Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 - marriage contract

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Chapter 11 - marriage contract

25th September 1977

It was almost a month since school had started, Rosaline had finally fully adapted into 1977. She loved being a student, but it had its limitations. For example, she could not get out of the school grounds without permission, which frustrated her a bit because she had a clue where the Gaunt Shack was and wanted to sneak out to see if she was correct. Harry and Rosaline had already gotten the basilisk fangs and destroyed the diadem last full moon. They were hoping to destroy the ring by the end of the year. But since they were not allowed to leave the grounds except for Hogsmeade, they would have to wait until the Christmas holidays for that excursion.

A couple of days ago, it was announced that there would be a Hogsmeade weekend at the end of September. Rosaline was excited to go, as she missed the pumpkin pasties and sugar quills a lot, it was time for her to refill her stocks.

On Friday morning, when she was eating breakfast with Narcissa and Olivia, an eagle owl flew into Narcissa's hand. She opened the letter and read it, by the end of the letter, she was close to tears.

"Is everything alright, Cissa?" Rosaline asked Narcissa cautiously.

"I'm betrothed to Lucius Malfoy." Narcissa said in a hollow sort of voice, "And I am to be wedded next August. Tomorrow, he will meet up with me in Hogsmeade to discuss our 'courting'."

"Malfoy? The arrogant blond git prefect in our first year?" Olivia inquired.

"It appears so," Narcissa replied, biting her lips.

"Do you wish to be with him?" Rosaline asked.

"No!" Narcissa exclaimed, "I know that the moment I marry him, he will only pass me around like a trophy. I will not be able to work as a healer, nor can I have any kind of jobs, except for a pureblood wife." She spat out the last two words. "Not to mention, I will have to bed him and pop out heirs as soon as we are married."

"And it's rumored that he is working for You-Know-Who too." Olivia added rather distastefully.

"Not helping." Rosaline whispered.

Narcissa stood up abruptly, Rosaline could see she was restraining herself from breaking down, "Excuse me." Then she left the Great Hall.

"Did you really have to tell her that?" Rosaline sighed.

"Well, it's better for her to know the full picture, you know." Olivia answered.

Narcissa did not appear for any of her classes in the morning, neither did she come to lunch. Both Olivia and Rosaline were worried, so they decided to look for her in their free periods after lunch.

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