Chapter 47

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Chapter 47 - no regrets

13th February 1979

Rosaline was wakened up by the overbright sunlight that shined on her face. She wanted to move her hand to shield her eyes but she realized she was sleeping on top of someone and she was currently being hugged. She jerked awake and rolled off the person. She opened her eyes by a tiny fraction to see the person's face, it was Regulus. She sat up straight instantly, ignoring the splitting headache she was having, then she saw that Regulus was doing the same.

"Morning," he casually remarked.

She was sleeping on top of Regulus, the realization just dawned on her. 'Did they shag?' Rosaline thought, so touched her hip to see if she still had her knicker on. She did have it on, which means they did not shag. Rosaline let out a sigh of relief because she would hate to have missed their first time and it also meant that she did not have to take the contraceptive potion. Then she thought, 'Why was she sleeping on top of him?' She tried to recall what happened at the club. She took several shots and smoked weed, she was high and humiliated herself, then she remembered making out with Regulus and what was said.

"Oh God," she put her hand on her forehead and sighed. She had her eyes closed the whole time she was trying to remember the events of the previous night, or else she would have seen Regulus eyeing her every reaction.

"Fuck, I'll never drink again," Rosaline finally opened her eyes. She was met by Regulus staring at her face as if he was anticipating something. At that moment, she seriously considered obliviating him of their interactions last night.

Regulus finally removed his gaze, his disappointment was well-shielded, "So, how are you feeling?" He stood up.

"I'm so stupid," Rosaline moaned.

Regulus brought his lips to a thin line, then frowned, "You regret it?"

"I shouldn't have let Olivia talk me into going to that stupid club, then I wouldn't have made a fool of myself," she groaned, the memory of her sprouting nonsense was clear in her mind.

Regulus clenched his jaw for a brief second, then he said, "Of course." He spun around and left the living room.

Rosaline wasn't aware of Regulus's reaction, she remained sitting on the floor, rubbing the side of her forehead, trying to relieve the headache, but it wasn't going away. She summoned a vial of pepper-up potion and hangover cure from her cupboard and downed it completely. Her headache faded instantly, so she stood up. The first thing she noticed about herself was that she still smelled like liquor and weed, she felt filthy, so she went for a shower. After getting out of the shower, she went to the kitchen, preparing to ask Witty for breakfast.

"What would Mistress Rosie have for breakfast?" Witty asked.

"A ham and cheese sandwich... hang on, what about Regulus?" she suddenly remembered he was also in her house.

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