Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 - eavesdropper

26th May 1978

Rosaline had some kind of weird relationship with sleep. When she was desperately trying to focus on her studies, she always ended up dozing off. But when she was in bed, trying to sleep, sleep would not come to her. She had been tossing and turning in her bed since 11:30 pm the previous night. She opened her eyes and cast tempus, it was 1 a.m. She decided to take a stroll around the ground to clear her head for a bit, maybe after that, her mind would be tired enough to go to sleep.

Rosaline passed by a hidden willow tree, where she had a picnic with Sirius three days ago to celebrate their one month together, secretly, of course. The thing she loved the most about Sirius was that he never ceased to surprise her and make her laugh. Although she must admit his antics were always quite immature, they always brought a smile to her face at the end of the day. Another thing she liked about Sirius was that he never treated her like a pureblood lady, he treated her like an equal, who dared to challenge him. They were always bickering with each other but they were all in good fun.

Rosaline walked closer to the lake, admiring its tranquility, then she heard voices behind the bushes. She could not fight off her curiosity and she headed towards to voice and listen.

"...he is not happy," a male voice said irritably.

"There must be a leak, there is no way everyone was in hiding during the fight, Hogsmeade would have made a huge impact on our Lord's cause. But two of our own were killed." This voice sounded terribly like Mulciber.

"Any idea who that might be?" Alecto Carrow asked.

"If we have, we wouldn't be here talking," Snape spat.

"But we have to find out! The Dark Lord instructed us to find out what went wrong," The first voice demanded.

"He or she shouldn't be at our age. If they are, they would have warned most students about it before the day. We knew about the attack a week beforehand, he or she would have had enough time to tell everyone," A voice suggested and the rest murmured in agreement.

"Then how can we expand our Lord's influence? Black, you are in charge of recruiting at Hogwarts, aren't you? What is your progress?" Mulciber asked.

"Lestrange will follow his brother's footstep, of course, Crouch Junior expressed interest in the cause, so did Jugson and Gibbon. They are to receive the mark during the summer holidays," Regulus answered in an indifferent voice.

"Is it not possible to get the Black family's support?" A deep voice asked.

"No, grandfather made it clear to be neutral. If we are to attack him, he would turn against the Dark Lord," Regulus said impassively.

"You wouldn't object if we kill your blood traitor of a brother, would you?" Mulciber jeered.

"I wouldn't waste energy killing him, it's not worth it," Regulus replied coldly.

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