Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 - the plan

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Chapter 9 - the plan

5th September 1977

In the early morning of Saturday, Rosaline was rudely woken up by Peeves, who dropped a bucket full of icy water on her head while she was still sleeping soundly. She screamed and bolted up, Peeves cackled madly at her reaction.

"What th- PEEVES!" Olivia spatted and the other girls groaned.

"You FUCKER!" Rosaline shrieked after Peeves as he floated away, still laughing. She grabbed her wand and chased after him despite being drenched, with water dripping off her hair. "I'm going to fucking curse you until you are out of this school!" She shot spells consecutively at Peeves but missed.

Peeves howled with laughter and chanted, "Pity Potty Potter, you bitchy soggy rotter."

"Fucking ARSEHOLE! I'll get you! Langlock!" Rosaline aimed her wand at Peeves, hoping to glue his tongue to the roof of his mouth.

"What the blaze is going on here? Potter, what's with all the shouting?" A Scottish voice of Professor McGonagall walked towards the scene.

"Pity Potty Potter-" "SHUT UP!" yelled Rosaline.

"Peeves, go! Or I'll call the Baron." Professor McGonagall warned.

Peeves bounced away jovially.

"Explain why you are waking the whole castle up at 5 a.m. will you, Potter."

"That fuc-" Rosaline pointed a finger in the direction towards Peeves, "That miserable son of a bludger decided to dunk a bucket of cold water on me while I was sleeping. I had to chase him out but he wouldn't bloody well leave me alone!" She fabricated the last part.

Professor McGonagall eyed her wet hair and clothes, "I'm sorry, Potter, but next time can you not resort to screaming at the top of your lungs? Try finding the Baron and Peeves will go away."

To say Rosaline was in a bad mood was an understatement. She stormed into the Great Hall for breakfast after removing her wet bedcovers and cleaning herself up. She slammed her plate on the table, filled it with food, and started pouring herself a cup of coffee. Just when she was eating, someone hugged her from behind, she struck the person's lower region with her elbow by instinct before turning around to see Sirius tumbling onto the floor, clutching his crotch, howling in agony.

"Good strike," commented James, while holding up a hand to help his friend up.

Rosaline looked at Sirius apologetically, "You alright?"

"No, I feel like being punched in the nuts! Why did you have to hit so hard?" Sirius grimaced.

"I thought I was being attacked, you idiot! Don't sneak up on me ever again!" Roseline said.

"Wouldn't dream of it," Sirius replied, "So, what's got your knicker into a twist?"

Rosaline growled out, "Fucking Peeves."

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