Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 - preparation

29th January 1979

Ever since she lost control of her temper over Sirius, Rosaline did not return to the manor to face her family. They had written to enquire if she was feeling okay multiple times, but she just gave them a slightly longer version of 'I'm fine, thank you' as an answer. She was also ashamed of exploding in front of Regulus as she noticed that he was walking on eggshells around her for the next few days. But since she had gone back to work, she was able to keep her mind off her shame and embarrassment.

Life had been hard for both Rosaline and Regulus without Witty's help. She had long forgotten what it would be like without someone to cook, clean, and do the dishes, now that she had to do it all over again, she found it exhausting. And Regulus grew up around house-elves, living without one had proven to be a challenge for him. Regulus was very insistent on doing chores around the house, he said that Rosaline had done enough to help him, and she should be able to relax after she got off work. Rosaline found the thought sweet but she realized he was not very good with household charms or cleaning manually, so most of the time, they had to cook and clean up the house together. Despite this, she enjoyed working with Regulus.

Rosaline had been looking forward to today for days, as Witty would come back from her spying mission. She had written to Harry about meeting up at her house to discuss further details and he had agreed to visit her the very day.

After dressing up, she walked to the kitchen preparing to cook, but Regulus was already in there with two well-made plates of bacon and eggs with toast.

"Oh Reg, you've already made breakfast," she was smiling at the food.

"Yes, you deserve a break, so I thought I'll make it for you," he grinned at her fondly.

Warmth started to fill up in Rosaline's stomach, she couldn't help but think, 'he is so sweet'. "Thank you," she said gratefully, "Can't wait to try it."

They entered the dining room and started eating their breakfast. The breakfast Regulus had made was quite good, perhaps the eggs needed a little bit of seasoning, but all in all, Rosaline was thankful that Regulus had made her breakfast.

"Harry will be coming over today," she informed him.

"Yeah, you've mentioned it. And Witty will be back too, right?" He asked.

"Yes, finally. No more late-night cleanings," she sighed.

Regulus chuckled, "I don't fancy doing that either. But I think I will still cook even when Witty is here."

"That's good, I'm glad you've found something that you like. This breakfast is great, by the way."

Regulus beamed with pride, "Thank you. Cooking is really like potions, you just have to follow a recipe and keep practicing, except we can taste what we've made when we're cooking."

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