Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 - party

25th December 1978

Rosaline returned to England about five days ago. She had a very eventful trip, not only did she learn a lot from the most prestigious Curse Breakers, but she also got to visit exotic wizarding sites. She only had weekends off during her trip unlike her usual schedule, but she felt like that was totally worth it. On the last day of her trip, she went shopping and bought souvenirs for her friends, then she traveled back to England via a Portkey. After badgering Rosaline with questions about her trip, James and Harry told her that they would be organizing a party at the Potter manor for all their friends on Christmas Day. That was why Rosaline spent the days leading up to the party buying presents for her friends and everyone that would show up.

The Potter's household was decorated festively, with colorful ornaments all around the house and a grand Christmas tree stood in the middle of the foyer. When Rosaline descended from the stairs, she saw her whole family huddling around the tree, opening presents.

"Oi, Rosie!" James shouted when he spotted her, "You've got presents."

"Duh, I know," Rosaline walked over to her pile of presents.

"Thanks for the wand holster, Rosie," Charlus smiled at her, "I've been wanting a new one for a while."

"No problem, grandpa," she answered.

"And the prank book is wicked," James chimed in, "I have half a mind to test those spells on Moody. How many times do you think I can get past him?"

"Zero," everyone in the room said.

"What? I bet I can get at least once by the end of January," James scoffed.

"James, you aren't actually known for being discreet," Harry snorted, "Do you want me to tell the story about the itching powder incident?"

"No!" He cried out immediately, "You said you wouldn't tell!"

"I didn't say that, it's you who begged me not to tell," Harry replied.

"What happened? Tell me, Harry!" Rosaline urged.

"So it started when James lost a bet to Gideon Prewett and the consequence was to put itching powder on Moody's head unnoticed." Harry started and James was trying to slam his hand on Harry's mouth. "You know Moody's eye can see through the back of his own skull, right?" Harry said while backing away from James' hands. "But this idiot didn't think and decided to sneak up on Moody from the back holding a bottle itching powder. Moody reacted immediately and threw James backward. During the process, James poured all the itching powder on himself, most of them ended up around his abdomen and in his trousers. So he was scratching his knob for the whole day," He finished off with a laugh.

Rosaline and the rest of the family burst out laughing while James's face reddened up as he kept denying it.

"Mate, you literally had to rush to the restroom to fix the situation every 15 minutes," Harry commented and James' face turned even redder, "And some woman asked you if you have performance issues because you couldn't keep your hands off your c-"

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