Chapter 51

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TW: Panic attack

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TW: Panic attack

Chapter 51 - Valenbirthday

14th February 1979

When Rosaline stepped through the fireplace into the Potter Manor, she could hear weird noises coming outside of the room. It sounded like muffled yelling but she wasn't sure, so she went towards the source to investigate what was happening slowly with her wand drawn. But as she approached, the noise became apparent, it was two people having sex. She swiftly turned her back around and sprinted back to the sitting room. She stared at the fireplace cringing, waiting for Harry and Olivia's arrival such that she could have something to do other than being forced to listen to the noise.

The next to arrive was Olivia. She stepped through the fireplace gracefully and dusted herself off. Then she too became aware of the noise.

"What is that?" She narrowed her eyes, trying to listen to it.

"Don't ask, don't wonder, don't listen," Rosaline closed her eyes, trying to block out the sound.

"Is someone having sex?" Olivia's eyes glinted, "Oh, it's definitely James and Lily, I recognize that sound when he-"

"Shut up!" Rosaline cut her off, she did not want to know what new methods Olivia was using to traumatize her.

"I wonder where they are doing it. It's definitely not the bedrooms because the sound doesn't seem like they are coming from above. So it's either the kitchen, dining room, or- oh, maybe it's against the staircase, it would-"

"Stop, I don't need the image, thanks," Rosaline was sure that she had not been as horrified as how she was right now.

"Oh, come on, they don't sound so bad," Olivia smiled.

"Speak for yourself. Imagine listening to your family members having sex," Rosaline scrunched up her nose.

"My brother and I accidentally walked in on our parents doing the cowgirl when I was seven. They then explained they were just doing a magical ritual," Olivia said unconcernedly.

"How can you not be grossed out about the whole thing? You clearly still have that image in your mind since you described it as 'cowgirl'," Rosaline exclaimed.

"That's called having a healthy attitude towards sex because it is completely normal," Olivia explained.

"You're not traumatized? At all?"

"Well, maybe a little. But after I started exploring, I don't think that there's any problem doing sex or talking about sex," Olivia said proudly.

Before she could respond, Harry stepped through the fireplace. He swept his eyes over at the room and at them, then he asked, "Why are we staying in the sitting room?"

Both Olivia and Rosaline were silent so that Harry could hear the moaning sound for himself. His reaction was instantaneous. He scrunched up his features in horror, "Are they..."

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