Chapter 58

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Chapter 58 - end game

12th April 1979

The chatter of the room died. Sirius/Lord Prewett and Rosaline/Lady Prewett released each other. Rosaline closed her eyes and forced herself to take deep breaths to calm herself down.

"Where are they?" Sirius/Lord Prewett whispered.

"Saw the signals on the first two floors," Ted said quietly.

"I love you all," Fabian said, but he was immediately berated by Gideon.

"The Death Eaters are going to hear us if you say it this loudly," Gideon hushed.

"The silencing charm is up, stupid," Fabian pushed his brother gently.

Rosaline/Lady Prewett quickly sat up to take a swig of her Polyjuice potion and signaled Sirius/Lord Prewett to do the same. And he did. Then they both laid back on the mattress, staying uncharacteristically still with their eyes shut.

Any second now, Rosaline thought. She was gripping her wand tightly in her right hand under the cover while controlling her breathing.

Then, the door creaked open.

"They are sleeping. What do we do?" One of the voices whispered.

"Good, stun them, then we can call our Lord."

Rosaline squeezed her eyes shut, but she could still sense the bright red light coming in her direction. Thanks to the ward, the spell never reached her, and she heard a shout and a loud thud.

Sirius/Lord Prewett sat up straight instantly while Rosaline/Lady Prewett remained still. Before she even registered what Sirius was doing, she heard another shout and thud. Then she opened her eyes, turning to see the still bodies of Barty Crouch Jr and Wilkes lying on the floor. Their bodies, however, suddenly turned invisible, and she heard movement near the corner of the room. She suspected that Ted was putting their disillusioned bodies against the wall on the far right side of the room.

When Sirius/Lord Prewett finally laid back down, she hissed, "I thought we were to stay put."

"We also have a war to win."

"Tonks, close the door," she heard Lord Black command.

Slowly, the door was closed again.

"Now what?" Rosaline/Lady Prewett asked.

"Where are they?" Harry called out from under the bed.

"By the corner near Fabian, I tied them up and hit them with a sleeping spell," Ted answered.

"So are we going to wait?" Rosaline/Lady Prewett asked again, "It seems Voldy isn't here."

"We need to lure him here," Fabian agreed.

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