Chapter 50

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Chapter 50 - reveal

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Chapter 50 - reveal

14th February 1979

"OH MY GOD!" Rosaline and Regulus were jerked awake by the sound coming from the bathroom right next to their bedroom. "NARCISSA!" A high-pitched scream was followed by the original shout.

Regulus groaned while laying back down, using the blanket they were sharing to cover his face.

"Was that Sirius?" Rosaline asked, still full-on alert.

"Of course it was, only he could scream like that," Regulus mumbled, "Lie back down," he reached to her shoulder and gently pulled her back to the mattress.

Before she did, she cast a wandless tempus to check the time. It was already 8:47 am.

"It's nearly nine," she laid back down with her face facing Regulus's.

"'M tired," Regulus said sleepily.

"I did tire you out, didn't I?" Rosaline smiled smugly.

"How could you not? You're amazing," Regulus wrapped his arm around her bare waist, such that there was no gap between their bodies.

"Your zesty performance deserves praise too," Rosaline put her hand on his neck, tracing his jawline with her fingers.

"Mm," Regulus hummed without opening his eyes.

Their moment would however be disturbed by a loud "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR?" from Sirius.

"I didn't do anything," Narcissa replied calmly right outside of their door.

"I knew you did," Sirius cried, "My hair, how can I go outside like this?"

"You can wear a wig," Rosaline could hear Harry chiming into the conversation.

"A WIG? No, I most certainly will not be wearing a wig!" Sirius sounded seriously distressed.

"Then you can hide out here until it grows out," Narcissa said.

"Reverse it," Sirius demanded quietly.

"I don't know how to reverse it," Narcissa answered, though amusement could be heard in her voice.

"Reverse. It." Sirius repeated, he sounded like he was gritting his teeth while saying that.

"No can do," Narcissa said in the same amused tone.

Sirius let out another distressed scream as if he had lost his most prized possession. "You're a fucking bitch, you know that huh?"

"So are you," Narcissa said nonchalantly.

A snicker could be heard, Rosaline assumed it was Harry, then Sirius growled, "I can't wait for your spawn to be out of your womb, then I'm going to kick your arse."

"Sweet cousin, you won't win against me," Narcissa talked to him as if he was a small child.

"I will win, you just wait," Sirius stated.

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