Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 - Rosier

22nd December 1977

Rosaline, Harry, James, and Sirius returned to the Potter Manor yesterday evening. When Rosaline left the Hogwarts Express, she could immediately spot Dorea and Charlus Potter standing on the platform with anticipation. Not far away from the Potters, Rosaline could recognize the Blacks. After bidding goodbye to Narcissa, she went over to a blonde woman in the Black party and hugged her, Rosaline guessed that was her mother, Druella Black née Rosier. At a distance, Rosaline could also see Walburga Black giving a stern lecture to Regulus, who cowered and avoided any eye contact with her. Regulus then gave Sirius a swift glance with an envious expression before leaving with his mother. Olivia on the other hand wasn't greeted by her parents, but her brother, Cygnus Greengrass. After waving goodbye at Rosaline, the pair disapparated. Before the Potters left the station, James introduced Lily to his parents, Dorea and Charlus were very happy for their son. Lily then said goodbye to the Potters and promised Rosaline to write if she found any signs that she was adopted. Then, they grabbed the floo and returned to the comfort of Potter Manor. After catching up during dinner, they were all exhausted and returned to their respective bedrooms for the night.

At breakfast, Dorea received a letter with the Black crest on it, she opened it and announced, "We are going to the Black's Yule Party on the 24th."

"What? No!" Charlus and James exclaimed. "These kinds of stuff are always dull, mum. Can we not go?" James asked.

"We have to. The letter said Sirius is helping to host," Dorea handed the letter to James.

"You didn't tell us you're hosting a party," James said to Sirius.

Sirius groaned, "I don't want to think about it. That old codger made me. He threatened to drag my arse there if I refuse to attend the party."

"Who will be there?" Rosaline asked curiously.

"All the prominent pureblood families and all the Blacks obviously," Sirius shuddered, "Which means my hag of a mother and that crazy bitch Bellatrix will be there too."

"Are we likely to get cursed?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"No, we're hosting at La Maison du Noir in Bordeaux, which has one of the strongest wards. No one other than Lord Black or Heir Black has the ability to curse others inside," Sirius answered.

"Good. I finally can take a break from worrying about being cursed," Rosaline muttered quietly but Harry heard her.

"Who's trying to curse you?" Harry questioned loudly and everyone stared at Rosaline with concern.

"Nothing to worry about," She brushed it off.

"Do tell us anyway," Dorea's grey eyes became stormy.

"It's really nothing, it's just Mulciber. He tried but he never succeeded." Rosaline replied.

"Have you done something to trigger his unhealthy passion for cursing you?" Dorea continued.

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