Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 - birthday presents

27th March 1978

Ever since the attack on Hogsmeade, all future Hogsmeade weekends were canceled. Rosaline had made a quick recovery, but Madam Pomfrey insisted on keeping her in the Hospital Wing for three whole days, which was like being trapped in prison for Rosaline. After she got out, she had so much work that she didn't know if she would be able to finish them before she finished school. There were a few changes she noticed ever since she got out of the hospital. Sirius for one treated her as if she was delicate on the day she was released. When they were in a broom cupboard, he only kissed her softly unlike before, but then she bit hard on his lips and he returned fiercer than ever, which she liked. The other weird thing was Regulus Black. She went to him deliberately on the day of her release to thank him for the warning, but he avoided looking at her entirely and just nodded without saying a word. She was confused at this interaction since Regulus had never been so cold to her. She thought perhaps he was in trouble because of the Hogsmeade incident and had to keep his distance from her. Then she noticed that he seemed to have filled his brother's spot as the resident playboy. She heard from the girls that he was sleeping with different witches every two days. This was unlike Regulus but she didn't question further.

Today was James' birthday, however, Rosaline and Sirius had to serve detention with Filch for smuggling 20 deers into Hogwarts. They were planning to sneak the deers into the Gryffindor common room and the boys' dormitory to surprise James in the morning. Unfortunately, they ran straight into McGonagall near the entrance hall at 7 a.m. when they were escorting the last two deers into the Gryffindor Tower. She was furious and demanded that they remove the deers from the common room, she also set detention for them at 9. Lucky for them, she didn't check the boys' dormitory.

They all got a camera readied at 8, which was usually when James woke up. The marauders, Harry and Rosaline hid outside of the dormitory until they heard a girlish scream from James. They howled with laughter as they walked back in.

"D'you know what I stepped on the first thing I woke up?" James stated horrifiedly and everyone looked at his bare feet, "Deer shite!" He raised his left foot for them to see.

Sirius barked out a laugh, "Happy birthday, mate. I take it you enjoyed our little surprise?"

"Fuck you all," James hopped on his right leg to the bathroom.

"How did you put them in?" Remus inquired.

"A bit of magic," Sirius smirked.

Remus rolled his eyes, "Thank you very fucking much, that explains a lot."

"We actually went to the countryside to fetch them, took us a lot of time to catch 20," Rosaline carefully avoided the deer dung to go sit on Harry's bed.

"Yeah, if only McGonagall hadn't found out," Sirius scoffed, "We would have more deers and no detentions."

"You've got detentions?" Harry asked, "That will ruin our morning plan."

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