Chapter 60

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Chapter 60 - Interlude: Narcissa

1st April 1979

It was 1:47 am, and Narcissa had a plan.

She watched Harry breathe next to her for a minute or two and crawled out of their shared bed. She picked up her clothes from the floor one by one and got dressed, careful not to make a sound. The next eleven days would be hell for her but that would be crucial to ending the war and avenging Liv.

Her hand gripped tight on the door frame as she took a last look at her sleeping lover. She bit her lips, willing her tears not to fall while she walked toward the front door as softly as possible. She finally let out a choked breath after the front door was shut and she was out of Harry's house. She stood and stared at the house, wondering if she'd be able to see it or Harry again. In her heart, she didn't want to execute her plan, but at the same time, she knew she had to, or who would be in a better position to do what she had to do?

Think about Liv.

Think about how you want to end Dolohov and Lestrange.

She finally dragged her feet away from the house. When she was far away enough from the muggle neighborhood, she disapparated to her designated location.

Her plan was entirely organized by herself. The only person who knew little about it was Lord Black since she needed his connection. She knew that he wasn't happy with her taking on such a risky mission but she swore to leave right away if he didn't agree to help.

And it was Lord Black who helped her arrange this meeting with Andy Smudgley, one of the best reporters of the Daily Prophet, at 2 am in his office.

Before walking in, Narcissa just had to work up more tears and emotions, like the 'distressed wife' character she was supposed to play. It wasn't really that hard for her, she just had to pretend that she was losing Harry instead of Malfoy.

After getting her eyes teary, she tilted her head upward in a manner similar to how Malfoy behaved, then knocked on the office door.

"Come in."

Narcissa wrinkled her nose upon opening up the door. The office was scattered with newspapers and drafts, they were on the floor, on the desk, and on the walls. She had to battle the urge to walk out the door because of the state of the man's office.

"How are you doing, Mrs Malfoy?" Andy Smudgley held out a hand to greet Narcissa. He was a middle-aged man with short black curly hair. He was only slightly taller than Narcissa, with a pair of round spectacles sitting on the bridge of his upturned nose.

"Enough of the pleasantries, let's get on with business, shall we?" Narcissa answered with the utmost arrogance, refusing to shake the man's hand.

"Of course. Here, let me clear out a seat for you," he carried the pile of newspaper articles from the chair opposite the desk to the floor.

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