Chapter 57

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Chapter 57 - the calm before the storm

12th April 1979

Rosaline and Regulus both had a wonderful night the day before, they managed to completely forget about the upcoming battle while they were flirting and chatting with each other. They ended up staying in the Forest of Dean till nearly midnight, then Regulus made a point of getting enough rest for the battle, so they returned home. Once they both lay in bed supposedly sleeping, they just couldn't do that as reality hit them in full-fold. Different scenarios played in Rosaline's mind, most of them involved seeing Harry or James dead. She shuddered violently at the image of Harry lying lifeless on the floor with crimson-red blood leaking out from his stomach.

Her motions alerted Regulus of her sleeplessness, so he opened his tired eyes and asked, "Couldn't sleep?"

"Yeah," she breathed deeply to calm herself.

"Do you want to take Dreamless sleep?"

"We'll oversleep. I sleep like the dead when I'm on the potion," Rosaline shook her head.

"You take it, I can sleep fine," Regulus sat up and got out of their shared blanket.

"You are awake now," Rosaline pointed out.

"I was actually sleeping before," Regulus answered, opening the potion drawer.

"I woke you? I'm sorry," Rosaline quickly apologized.

"No, it's okay. I hate to be asleep when you can't sleep," Regulus handed the flask to her, "Here, drink it. I'll wake you up at 8."

Rosaline eyed the flask hesitantly, "It's for a 12-hour sleep. Are you sure you'll be able to wake me up?"

"I have my methods, love. Now, drink it. Or I'll hold the flask to your lips," Regulus nudged the flask towards her.

"Okay! Don't need to threaten me," Rosaline sighed and downed the flask.

Regulus crawled back under the covers and wrapped his arm around her so that her face was pressed against his bare chest. "Go to sleep, love," he kissed her on the forehead.

They had been in the same position a lot of times and every time it brought Rosaline comfort. It was no different this time. Quickly, the gruesome thoughts from Rosaline's head evaporated and she fell into a deep, deep sleep.

Rosaline ended up sleeping so heavily that she didn't hear their usual alarm ringing, sense Regulus getting out of bed, or feel him shaking her. But that was until she started feeling ticklish in her right ear. She subconsciously turned her body to the right to cover her ear then she felt as if her face was being kissed all over. She opened her eyes and immediately saw Regulus's face approaching hers, placing a kiss on her lips. She giggled and wrapped her arms around Regulus, pulling him closer. Regulus smiled proudly and purred, "You're quite a dainty little thing when you're asleep, don't you know?"

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