Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - duelling

9th September 1977

Rosaline had been looking forward to the DADA class for days. She practiced for an hour in the Room of requirement with the dueling dummies every day leading to her second DADA class. On Wednesday morning after her Arithmancy class, she walked into the classroom with Remus and sat down next to Narcissa.

"Excited to duel?" Rosaline asked.

"Not particularly," Narcissa sighed, "It requires too much movement, besides, there's too much chance of getting injured."

Professor Robertson marched into the classroom and stated, " As I had said before, in this lesson, I will determine how skilled you are with dueling. You will be put into different ranks: Platinum, gold, silver, and bronze, with Platinum being the best. You will train with the Ravenclaws and Huffepuffs in your ranks for the next months. By the end of October, we will have a mock duel together with the sixth-year class, so you will have more experience of dueling different people. Now, when I call your name, come onto the dueling stage, I will signal when you'll begin or end your duel. And remember, no lethal spells or any spells that can cause severe injuries can be used. If you break these rules, I assure you that you will be sent off to Azkaban immediately."

"First, Mr. Lupin, Mr. Avery." The professor announced.

The marauders patted Remus's back for support and Remus walked onto the stage somewhat nervously.

"A galleon on Lupin," Olivia whispered.

"No fair, there's no way Avery would win," said Narcissa.

After the professor had signaled them to start, Remus immediately sent a quick succession of body binds and stunners at Avery, who put up a shield, but he didn't last long, Remus's fifth stunner successfully penetrated his weak shield and hit him squarely in the stomach. The Gryffindors cheered.

"Lupin, gold," The professor woke Avery and said, "Avery, bronze."

Avery descended the stage while glaring at Remus, muttering 'dirty half-blood' under his breath.

"Mr. James Potter, Mr. Mulciber" The professor called next.

Rosaline stared at Mulciber, her jaw clenched. He was a nasty piece of work even in his youth, Rosaline would want nothing better than to curse him again, for he was one of the reasons for her occasional nightmares.

James and Mulciber's duel was called to a halt by the professor as it lasted more than five minutes. James was very skilled with Transfiguration, he conjured up different items to aid him throughout the duel. Mulciber was a dueler who used a great variety of spells, most of them are borderline dark, though not dark enough to be disqualified. They were both classified as gold.

"Miss Evans, Miss Carrow."

"I will teach that Mudblood whore a lesson." Rosaline heard Alecto declare to her friends.

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