Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 - Hogsmeade

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Chapter 12 - Hogsmeade

26th September 1977

Olivia and Narcissa helped Rosaline pick a white sweater, a pair of high flare blue jeans, and a plaid coat for the date. They weren't too familiar with muggle fashion, so they were amazed when they saw Rosaline's closet.

"Those jeans! Help me buy a pair when you're in Muggle London, will you?" Olivia urged, "It makes your legs look so long."

"And your coat, I really love the pattern!" Narcissa admired Rosaline's coat.

Narcissa herself was wearing a dark blue dress robe for her meeting with Lucius Malfoy. She was not excited in the slightest. She had known Lucius Malfoy in her first three years in Hogwarts and he was not a pleasant person. Olivia kept recalling tales about Lucius Malfoy to Rosaline, mostly about him causing trouble, then leaving unscathed, not because he was cunning or sly, but because his father was pulling the strings. Apparently, he said the phrase 'my father will hear about this ' a lot whenever he was in trouble. Rosaline thought, like father like son.

Olivia on the other hand simply put on a black robe, she didn't have any dates so she didn't need to dress fancy. She had decided to be a chaperone for Narcissa's date with Malfoy, she figured if Malfoy made a move on Narcissa, at least she would be able to stop him.

Rosaline had been hiding from the marauders all morning, she skipped breakfast and stayed in her dorm until 10:55, then she headed to the entrance hall. She stood and waited for a minute, then Steven approached her and smiled, so they set off to Hogsmeade together.

They had to take the carriages pulled by Thestrals to go to Hogsmeade. Before entering the carriage, Rosaline patted the Thestral on the head and muttered a quick thank you to it.

Steven was shocked, "You can see the Thestrals?"

Rosaline nodded and lied, "I've been able to see them since my father died." Truthfully, she could see the Thestral since she saw Sirius fall through the Veil of death.

Her sadness must have been reflected on her face because then Steven said sincerely, "I'm so sorry for that. You must be so strong to be able to keep it going."

Rosaline gave him a sad smile.

Rosaline was happy that Steven didn't press on with details about her life before coming to Hogwarts. They then changed the topic to hobbies and interests. Rosaline discovered that they both played Chaser and enjoyed reading, so they talked about Quidditch moves and favorite books over lunch at the Three Broomsticks.

After lunch, they visited Honeydukes as they both needed to refill their stocks of candies. Just when they were selecting pumpkin pasties, she recognized James and Remus's figures. Lucky for her, they had their backs turned. She immediately grabbed Steven's hand and pulled him into the hidden cellar.

"What's going on?" Steven asked confusedly.

"It's my cousin. He is totally going to ruin our date if he sees us," Rosaline answered.

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