Chapter 21

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Warning: This chapter contains the mention of rape

Chapter 21 - talk

12th January 1978

Rosaline found herself in a comfortable bed with a pounding headache as she woke up. When she opened her eyes, she felt like everything was far too bright, so she closed them again. She remembered facing the boggart, crying near the lake, having dinner in the kitchen, and chucking down firewhiskey. She opened her eyes again and squinted at her surroundings, it didn't look like the kitchen at all, where was she? She sat up and groaned immediately, she really needed a hangover potion. When her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she realized that she was in her bedroom at Potter Manor. Did she cause a scene and was sent back home after she was drunk? Or did her grandparents believe that she was too damaged to go to school and send her back? Or was yesterday just a nightmare for her? She scanned around her room and found a piece of parchment on her bedside table. She read it immediately.


After you passed out in the kitchen, I brought you to the Room of Requirement. It is a room that can transform itself into any room that a wizard or a witch needs it to be. I merely wished that it could transform into somewhere you would feel comfortable with and it took the form of your room back home.

I don't know if you remember our conversation in the kitchen, but in case you don't or you don't believe me, you can always talk to me, I will not think that you are weak or pitiful.

I hope you are feeling better.


P.S. I know you will have an awful hangover when you wake up, therefore I put a flask of hangover potion on your desk. I hope you will find that useful.

She glanced at the desk, there was indeed a flask of potion on it. She walked closer to examine it. It did look like the hangover potion, so she swallow the whole content in one go. After a moment, her headache faded, her mind became clearer and her feeling of nausea was completely gone. She really had to thank Regulus for this. Rosaline then went to clean up and took a shower. When she walked out, she realized it was already 12:47 pm, which meant that it would be lunchtime. She had already missed the afternoon classes the day before and today's morning classes, she would really be in big trouble if she were to skive of the lessons for the rest of the day as well. However, she didn't want to face anyone. She totally did not have any idea that she had talked to Regulus in the kitchen. She wondered did she divulge too much information again, or did she do something highly embarrassing, but she brushed it off quickly since she had too much to worry about already.

Suddenly, the door creaked open. Rosaline panicked and shot a stunning spell at the person near the door. The person collapsed and Rosaline hurried over to see who that was. It was Regulus.

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