Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Quidditch

17th October 1977

It was the first game of the Quidditch season, Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw. It was originally Gryffindor vs Slytherin, however, the Slytherin Quidditch captain Montague was sent to the hospital wing after a potion accident, therefore it was switched to Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw.

Rosaline wanted to try out for the Quidditch team, she actually went to the pitch with her broomstick on the day of the tryout, but Montague told her to get lost since the team was only for boys. She shouted at him for being a sexist pig and eventually she was removed from the pitch by his cronies. She swore that she was going to cheer for every house except Slytherin.

She decided to walk over to Harry, James, and Sirius at breakfast, hoping to say a quick 'good luck' to them. From a distance, she saw James looking less smug as usual. It was understandable since it was his first time leading a Quidditch team and he was uncertain if they were going to win. Harry, on the other hand, looked quite excited. He was eager to compete in a proper Quidditch match after a year of break. Sirius was being 'Sirius', as the marauders would put it, which meant he was busy making out with a girl. James told Rosaline and Harry that he hadn't been 'Sirius' since the start of this school year, but now he was back. And at the breakfast table, instead of eating breakfast, Sirius was eating a black-haired girl's face, everyone around the table looked revolted, so did Rosaline. She changed course and headed to the Ravenclaw table instead.

"Morning, sweetheart," Rosaline said to Steven as she dropped into the seat next to him.

He smiled nervously and fidgeted with his Quidditch gloves.

Rosaline took his hand into hers and squeezed it, "You'll be great, don't worry."

"Thanks, love. I know our Chasers are good, so are our Beaters, but I'm not so confident about our seeker, he's new." Steven muttered.

Rosaline knew that Ravenclaw would lose then, there was no way Harry would not catch a snitch, and the Gryffindor Chasers were not bad, they would definitely flatten Ravenclaw. However, she kept that to herself.

"Hey, as long as you have given your best shot, I'll be proud of you." Rosaline comforted.

Steven beamed at her, "You're such a wonderful person," then he dug into his Quidditch bag and pulled out a jersey with the name 'Goldstein' on it, "Wear it and be my good luck charm, please?"

Rosaline put it on immediately and Steven smiled from ear to ear, he leaned towards and kissed her. After a brief second, he pulled out, and said, "I've got to go to the pitch, see you at the game, love."

Rosaline moved to the Slytherin table to rejoin Narcissa and Olivia, they were both grinning widely.

"What are you smiling at?" Rosaline asked.

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