Chapter 35

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Chapter 35 - restaurant conversation

5th November 1978

Rosaline was discharged last week after Healer Smith had found a way to close the wound, Rosaline wasn't sure how she did it but Olivia said it was a combination of magic and muggle method. Despite being healed, Rosaline was still in a depressed state. When she was in the cellar back in Lestrange Manor, her motivation to escape and stay alive was Sirius, she knew Sirius would be waiting for her to come back home. But after he had broken up with her, she felt empty, like nothing else really mattered. She was so used to his touch, his teasing voice, and even his stupid antics, without them, she felt as if she was missing her right hand. When her family came to visit her after the day of their breakup, they noticed Rosaline's sorrow immediately and asked her what had happened. Rosaline confessed that Sirius had broken up with her, which caused James to immediately storm out of the hospital room. Dorea and Charlus tried to follow wherever he was going but they said he disapparated away in the hospital lobby. James came back and told her that Sirius was now in St. Mungos getting healed for his dislocated jaw, hoping it could cheer her up, but she just sat on her bed numbly, as if all her emotions had run out. Her mood lasted until she was discharged.

The morning after she was discharged, she went back to work, which effectively helped her forget about Sirius. At the end of that day, she told Fabian that she would be going to Egypt for the big project, she believed it would do her some good. Rosaline's family wasn't particularly impressed with her going on a dangerous mission abroad for so long soon after her treatment, but they respected her decision.

Yesterday, James returned to the Potter Manor during dinner after an order meeting. Rosaline knew that after Dumbledore refused to save her, James became frustrated with the aged headmaster, no longer completely loyal to him. He marched into the manor complaining that Dumbledore only allowed them to use fourth-year spells to defend themselves. Then he handed Rosaline a bag filled with items she had left with Sirius. She carried the bag up to her room immediately, she had to check if anyone had written to her over these couple of weeks. She opened the bag and saw a neat pile of clothes and her books, among the pile, she spotted Sirius's Quidditch jersey that he had gifted her. She took it out and held onto it tight, she thought, 'it still smells like him', and she broke down all over again, neglecting her original plan.

This morning when she woke up, she noticed that the communication notebook with Regulus was glowing, she hopped over and opened it immediately, then she realized the last time she had written to him was the day before she was captured.

1st October 1978

Hey Rosie, I hope you are doing okay today. I tried the spell you suggested to ward my things and it worked! Thank you so much! I knew it worked because I saw Crouch's face was filled with pimples that said 'Theif'. The best part is he was so angry and embarrassed but he couldn't do anything about it or it would show that he was indeed a thief.

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