Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - ball

31st October 1977

Rosaline was still not talking to Sirius. Sirius tried to catch her on her own many times during the fortnight, but Rosaline just pretended that he wasn't there. It was not that Rosaline was still angry with Sirius, she was angry with herself because she let slip something that nobody was supposed to know. She knew that Sirius would ask questions if they had the chance to talk, which she was trying to avoid. Every time she saw Sirius, she hoped that he would ignore her like he did at the beginning of October. The other three marauders and Harry noticed the tension. They tried to investigate what had happened but since the two of them were very tight-lipped, they still had not figured out what was going on between them.

After the night of the party, Narcissa and Olivia noticed Rosaline's change in demeanor. But when they inquired if Rosaline was alright, she would wave her hand to brush it off and smile. To be honest, Rosaline was not fine, she was afraid that Sirius would tell someone and the whole school would know about her deepest secret. Her old nightmares were also coming back. She often dreamt of a man tying her up, lying on top of her, doing ungodly deeds to her. Rosaline had not had that nightmare for three months, she thought she had finally overcome her trauma, but it didn't seem like it. 

A week ago, Rosaline was asked by Steven to go to the ball with him, she agreed immediately. She had also learned that Narcissa would be going with Harry, which hadn't come as a surprise to her, as she often caught them sneaking glances at each other ever since the party. Marlene would be going with the golden hair girl that she had been kissing at the party, but Rosaline never remembered her name. During dinner on Thursday, James embraced Rosaline so hard that she was almost choked to death by a piece of broccoli. After spending three whole minutes coughing, James told her that Lily had accepted his invitation to the Ball. He then handed Rosaline 20 galleons and she pocketed it quite happily. She couldn't believe she had a hand in her future parents' romance.

On the day of the ball, the girls were already in their dormitory preparing since 2 pm. Rosaline had never done her makeup and hair with a spell, which shocked her roommates quite a bit. When she took out her makeup bag, Carrow and Selwyn muttered something about muggle filth staining their noble presence, while Narcissa and Olivia were fascinated by the products. The beauty spells in the wizarding world only included blush, lipsticks, concealer, and natural shades of eye shadows, which was not enough for Rosaline. She was going as Medusa, for that, she needed a dramatic look. After she finished her makeup, she spelled her hair such that it became snake-like. She originally wanted to make them live snakes but she was afraid that the snakes would gang up on her and bite her head off, so she'd rather not take the risk.

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