Chapter 55

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Chapter 55 - Goodbye, Liv

24th March 1979

Rosaline woke up snuggling against Regulus's chest. He somehow managed to move both of them onto the bed after laying on the floor crying for hours, in Rosaline's case, she cried herself to sleep. The first thought on her mind after waking up was 'Was what happened yesterday real?' Maybe she just had a very long sleep, maybe it was all just a bad dream, maybe Olivia was still alive. She opened her eyes, which felt swollen and dry, and tilted up to look at Regulus. He too had his eyes opened slightly, but the usual fondness of seeing her in bed with him was replaced with sadness. That confirmed Rosaline's worst fear, that Olivia was really dead. She clenched her jaw, containing the sob that was coming out of her mouth, and shut her eyes, letting teardrops leak from the corners of her eyes. She wished she could see Olivia, she wished she could talk to her, she wished she could give her one last hug. Wait, she thought and her eyes popped open.

The resurrection stone.

She sat up so quickly in bed that it startled Regulus, "Rosie!" He called out, "Where are you going?" He chased after her and pulled her arm.

"I want to talk to Olivia," Rosaline said breathlessly.

Regulus just stared at her, then he stated slowly, "Rose, she is dead. We can't talk to the dead."

"We can, the resurrection stone," Rosaline insisted, "You know, from the Peverells."

"Love, that story is a children's fairytale."

"No, I've seen it. It's on the Gaunt ring that Harry and I destroyed," Rosaline answered as she started walking towards the bathroom. She was planning to go shower quickly, then she would go visit Harry since he kept the broken ring.

Regulus followed, he was still very doubtful of the existence of the resurrection stone. He was frowning as he got into the bathroom with Rosaline, eyeing her with a worried expression.

Rosaline just absentmindedly stripped off her nightgown, wanting to get into the shower quickly. She turned around, completely naked, and saw Regulus was still standing at the bathroom door with a blush creeping up his face. She raised an eyebrow and cleared her throat, "Are you going to watch while I shower?"

Regulus looked as if he was electrified, he jumped and turned around, mumbling words like, "I'll leave you to it."

Under normal circumstances, Regulus would tease her and try to get in the shower with her, and she would be happy to oblige. But currently, she only wanted to talk to Olivia. During her shower, she kept on playing out scenarios of talking to Olivia in her mind. She knew she was going to thank her for being there for her and say the last goodbye to her, but what she really wanted was to embrace her, and feel the life in her. She knew that was never going to happen because there was no way to resurrect the dead. The thought of this broke her again. It was not fair. Olivia was only 18, she died because she was fulfilling her duty as a healer, not because she was actively seeking trouble. Olivia could have lived a happy and long life, but Voldemort and the Death Eaters stole it from her.

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