Chapter 20

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Warning: The chapter contains unwanted touching and sexual assault.

Chapter 20 - boggart

11th January 1978

After two monotonous weeks, Rosaline was finally allowed to return to Hogwarts. During the first week after her attack, she was not allowed to leave her bed since her wound wouldn't close. She started the new year by cursing at the snake that bit her, at Voldemort, and at her damnable luck. She was seriously annoyed since the rest of the family were all out in the garden letting out magical fireworks and drinking jovially while she was stuck in bed. Ten days after her attack, the healer confirmed that her wound was closed and was almost completely healed, then she was let out of bed, however, she still couldn't participate in vigorous exercises. As James, Sirius, and Harry had already left for Hogwarts the day before, she was left alone in the manor with her grandparents. Charlus was an Auror and a Lord in the Wizengamot, therefore he was out during most of the day. Dorea didn't need to work, as the Potter family had always been filthy rich, but she usually helped Charlus with taking care of the family investments. During the day, she would pop into different Potter-owned establishments to oversee their daily operations. Since Rosaline was all alone in the manor for these few days, she used the time to invent more spells. At the late hours of Sunday, she successfully created an incantation to make one's vocal cord disappear for an hour. The spell was still in its experimental stage, as she had not tried it on humans, but when she was back at Hogwarts, she would have plenty of chances.

On the morning of Monday, the 11th, Rosaline traveled to Hogwarts by flooing into Professor Dumbledore's office. She left his office after a brief questioning and was sent to the Defense classroom for DADA class. When she arrived, the rest of the class was queuing outside it.

"Rosie! You're back!" A couple of different voices called out to her, it was the marauders, Narcissa and Olivia. The girls quickly embraced her and she just nodded at the boys.

"Where's my hug?" asked Sirius.

"Oh, you big baby," Rosaline rolled her eyes and went to hug all the boys as well.

"They said you've been bitten by a poisonous snake, is that true?" Narcissa asked.

Rosaline nodded, "Almost died from it too."

"No!" The girls and Remus exclaimed.

"It's true," James stated, "She and Harry snuck out of the manor one morning and Rosie came back almost dead. And they won't even tell us where they had been!"

"We've told you, we had a picnic in the woods and a snake snuck up on me!" Rosaline lied.

"Stop lying! I told you, no one in their right mind will wake up before sunrise just to have a picnic!" James repeated his argument.

"It's what Harry and I always do in America! We like to do it every once in a while." Rosaline claimed.

Their argument was then interrupted by the defense professor, and they were ushered into the classroom. The students all went to sit at their usual table, in Rosaline's case, she was seated at the same table as Harry, Sirius, and Snape.

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