Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 - Are your eyelids cramping?

  March is a pleasant season.

  According to the regular schedule of previous years, at this time, the Nangong family will take a trip, go around the world, drive a yacht or a ship to play diving and catch sharks, or go to a hut in the mountains, avoid all the Internet, and be free with nature Live together for a few days.

  At this time of year, the housekeeper will arrange all the basic necessities of life in a rigorous and detailed manner, without any mistakes, and the employers only need to get on the car happily.

  This year, Nangong Rong could only sit in a wheelchair and walk the dog on the lawn of the manor, so Su Xici's leisure time for a few days was also wasted.

  "How are you thinking?"

  Nangong Rong asked the people behind him as the wheelchair moved slowly on the grass.

  "I still choose to resign." Otherwise, he would not be able to bear it. "I overestimated my ability. I shouldn't have promised my father to take over." The "father" in his mouth refers to the former housekeeper, "Abo, Your grandpa, great-grandpa, are all doing this job, if you do something else, you won't be so outstanding."

  "Maybe someone else will do it, what is certain is that I will never meet such a good employer as you Now ."

  "Since you are reluctant, don't leave." Nangong Rong persuaded, "You are the only one who can talk to me here."

  Su Xici said softly: "The young master is back, he can accompany you."

  Nangong Rong sighed and looked not far away.

  Nangong Ran and Situ Se were playing golf there, and by the way, they were finalizing a business cooperation.

  "If you change your mind, you can tell me at any time. You haven't found the right person to replace you yet. Don't be impulsive and think about it slowly."

  "Okay." Su Xici casually agreed, he knew that he would leave.

  Not now, but in a few years.

  The difference is that the reason for leaving now is that he is afraid of the means that Nangong Ran may impose on him. For this unknown, he can only choose to leave with nothing; and when he leaves in a few years, he will bring him a year to help him earn thousands of dollars. Ten thousand shares, a lifetime of carefree travel around the world.

  Even if you don't like it, there's nothing you can do about it.

  In the distance, Situ Se held a golf club and waved towards him.

  Nangong Rong laughed and waved at him.

  Su Xici felt that Nangong Rong might have misunderstood what he meant.

  He didn't say anything, and pushed the person to turn around and walk back along the road.

  In less than thirty seconds, the servant's voice was heard in the headset.

  "Butler Su, can you bring a bottle of red wine over here?"

  There was a rustling sound from the cloth, and the voice had changed again, it was deep and soft, with a light smile.

  "Butler Su, I'm sorry to trouble you."

  "Okay, Mr. Situ."

  He sent Nangong Rong back to the room, told the nurse for ten minutes, went to the underground wine cellar to choose red wine for half an hour, and then went there in a golf cart.

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