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57.    Your face...was stained with water.

    Jian Yao didn't know why, so he looked at Su Xici vigilantly.

    "The housekeeper's work is very routine, including arranging the daily cleaning of the manor house by the servants, checking whether the daily recipes in the kitchen are appropriate, taking care of the garden and land near the manor, planning, maintaining the owner's jewelry and silver tableware, famous paintings. The restoration and maintenance of the manor, the organization of major banquets, etc., combined, is to maintain the normal operation of various things in the manor."

    Speaking of this, he asked: "Do you know the meaning of the word "normal"? "

    Jian Yao has no trace of storm in his eyes, his eyes are full of pearls, and his whole body almost melts into the air.

    "Normal, it is to eliminate hidden dangers as much as possible. Everything within the scope of the manor needs my review. I have done some small background checks on everyone, and yours is really interesting. "

    Jian Yao's hand quietly touched his waist.

    Su Xici act as if didn't notice it, and said to himself.

    "It's amazing, your resume is so perfect that it seems to be aimed at me and Xiao Qun. Designed with appetite in mind, there isn't one thing we feel is lacking, but you know, that's the biggest flaw. "

    Jian Yao just wanted to open his mouth to defend, but was interrupted by him again.

    "My conditions are very strict, and you have satisfied every one of them, and there is no extra one, which is already very doubtful. Second, other people may not notice that your trajectory is a bit special. "

    "Others don't like to patrol the manor, because it's too big, and it takes nearly two hours to drive there, and you actively took over it. If it is said that you want to please the senior, in fact, you have a good relationship with Xiao Qun, and you don't have much interaction with other people, so you probably don't want to waste your time on it. "

    "You have an extraordinary obsession with the interior of the manor. The bodyguards basically work outside the manor. Sometimes you will find excuses to come in and like to look around. It should be thinking about where to do it. However, the manor is well-secured, especially there are a lot of internal electronic defense facilities, and you must be very distressed, you have been here for so long, and you can't find a breakthrough."

    Su Xici smiled, "I said this, you can say that I was instigated by others' words, it can be said that I am groundless speculation, I feel wronged, some insignificant things are even labeled as conspiracy, and they are slandered for no reason. But what can you do, you used to live in a place full of bullets, and here is also the same. Before you knew it, a war without gunpowder had already started, but you thought you were hiding it well."

    Jian Yao's expression froze.

    This man knows his identity.

    At this moment, while he was slightly distracted, Su Xici picked up the hot kettle and threw it at his head.

    Jian Yao sneered inwardly, took out the blade from the hidden pocket of his clothes, and found that his limbs were stiff and completely sluggish.

    He opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound. He watched the kettle stick to his face and was knocked down to the ground.

    My whole body felt stiff and numb.

    Su Xici searched out all the things that could hurt people on his body, tilted the kettle, and the little hot water in it poured on his neck.

    Jian Yao trembled all over, closed her eyes in pain, and gritted her teeth.

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