Bride Price

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Ethan's POV

I knock on Mr. and Ms. Astor's door. I keep my hands deep in my pockets, head down as I wait.

Guilt nags at me.

I am well aware I am the cause of Ellie's distress. She fears for her daughter I'm sure and she knows tonight I am going to collar her.

I don't blame Ellie at all, her distaste for me is what I had expected from my submissive's parents. I am simply surprised Mr. Astor does not share her distaste.

I could tell he was not thrilled with me when I left on Monday and he was certainly not happy when I came to check on her Wednesday, but he had said nothing and I had done the same.

Ellie clearly felt more strongly about my actions towards Birdie, being the mama bear she is.

Their bedroom door is opened. I am surprised to see it is Ellie who got the door. Her eyes are red and swollen. They knew it was me who came to talk because they wouldn't have let Birdie see her mother in such a state of distress over her.

Ellie doesn't say anything, avoiding my gaze as she opens the door more, silently inviting me in.

Mr. Astor stands between the bed and the door, slightly lingering behind his wife. His back is to her as he paces, clearly distressed about his submissives emotional state.


Her expression softens slightly at the name. She is well aware of her relation to me due to my collaring of Birdie.

She suddenly turns her back to me, crossing her arms over her chest.

I stare at her back in surprise, not having expected her rejection.

"Ellie..." Mr. Astor warns. Her face turns slightly towards him.

"My baby." The two words are spoken sternly to her master. I shift awkwardly, still not used to seeing them fight.

"I know she's your baby. Birdie is my baby too, Ellie Bear. She can't stay here forever. Ethan is a good dominant and he will take good care of her."

"M-mine," Ellie whimpers out, breaking into a series of sobs.

My muscles ache to pull her into my arms, but I know it's inappropriate to touch a collared submissive without permission from their master.

"I know, Princess, but don't you see how happy he makes her? You know how happy I make you, don't you want that for Birdie?" Mr. Astor reasons with her.

"Of course—"

"Then I need you to stop throwing a tantrum. Birdie is waiting to eat. I know you're upset and I respect that, but your rudeness towards Ethan is misplaced," Mr. Astor explains softly.

Ellie slightly turns towards me, her tear filled eyes reaching up to mine. "My baby," she says sternly.

"Yes, Mama."


"I understand, Mama. I will take good care of her. We will come by often, Mama." Ellie's shoulders slump slightly in acceptance and she nods, taking a timid step towards me.

I offer her my hand and she takes it, pulling me into a hug. Her actions are unexpected. I hadn't thought she would hug me. I was going to kiss her hand in apology and respect. I hadn't thought hugging her would be appropriate in her distress.

Either way I am grateful for her forgiveness.

"Thank you, Ellie..."

"Mama," she corrects me. Something inside me cracks at her correction.

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