If You Believe

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The soothing repetitive sound of cars zooming past them back and forth in either lane kept her mind busy as she watched rain drops race on the outer part of her window

She refused to look up again

The last time she peered out her window and her eyes fell on her face she felt disgusted with who was staring back at her

Physically everything was the same but on the inside she felt like a fire cracker had went off

She didn't know how to piece herself back together

She couldn't

Just like a real explosion that obliterated and left dust in its wake the old Beyoncé was gone and whatever whoever this was , was left in its wake

She jumped slightly when she felt a hand on her knee

He noticed and started to pull away but even if she didn't want to talk to him right now she needed to feel his presence

Without a word she opened his much bigger hand and placed it palm down on her thigh allowing him the option to either keep it still or rub it in a soothing up and down pattern but he chose neither

Gentle circles on her thigh made her breathing slow and the need for a nap feel pertinent

Her body needed the rest , but every time she closed her eyes she saw flames

Big , huge ones who were trying to touch and engulf her

No matter how hard she fought they would get closer and closer until they were on top of her making it hard to speak and breathe

"You sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

She remained silent

"If you don't want to get checked out then at least let me take the kids . I don't know how long you guys were inhaling smoke before I got there but if it was enough to make you loose consciousness then their little lungs might need help too" he reasoned.

"They're fine"Bey wanted to say but she was so upset with herself that she couldn't part her lips and answer any of questions

She looked in the backseat to see both of her babies huddled together under the warm blankets Carter wrapped them in similar to the one she was wearing

They looked fine to her but if they showed and signs of distress she would big hesitate to take them to get the help they needed

But for now she wanted to sleep and escape reality for just a second

Carter POV

I couldn't decide who to carry out first but my first mind told be that Beyoncé would be upset if she woke up and found out that I left her kids in the car so he could carry her in

A Cup Of Carter Where stories live. Discover now