The Meeting

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"This wine is pretty good " Jay said when he realized his wife had yet to touch hers aside from occasionally swirling the golden liquid

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"This wine is pretty good " Jay said when he realized his wife had yet to touch hers aside from occasionally swirling the golden liquid .

"Mhmm" Bey weakly agreed as she continued to study the door , the one person she was looking for unknown to her .

She didn't know that bitch from a can of paint right now , but she had a feeling that she could sense it .

She would know the "other " woman as soon as she saw .

When Jay felt movement in his pocket he quickly handed her his phone .

"She's late " Bey scoffed before tossing the in his direction not caring where it fell . He didn't deserve the luxury or the privacy of owning a phone . She refused to go through his pictures and messages like her first mind told her to . She didn't need him , he needed her , but one thing she didn't like was disrespect and apparently she had been getting disrespected for the last four years by the love of her life and someone she trusted .

"Text her " Bey demanded , her patience for the night expired .

"Why would I have her number -"

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"Why would I have her number -"

"Why would you let this woman feel like she was equal to me - Just get her here Shawn"Bey said finally sipping her wine before gulping it all down once the taste of alcohol hit her lips.

The need for a distraction overwhelmed her .

"She's not coming " Jay finally admitted , his eyes focused on the table as he waited for her reaction .

 She's been a bit more hands in with her reactions , the simplest things ending in eruption of violence and thrown hands

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She's been a bit more hands in with her reactions , the simplest things ending in eruption of violence and thrown hands . The more damage she did , the easier it was to gauge her pain .

"She bailed ?" Bey asked confused . "She texted your and said you weren't coming didn't she and you waited until now to tell me " Bey concluded . "Just what I fucking needed " Bey said shaking her head as she tried to think about Blue.

Blue needed her daddy

Blue needed her daddy

Blue needed her daddy

She repeated in her head as she tried to calm herself .

"Bey -"

"No , you promised me . We made a deal , I approve of the album and let you tell your side , and you get her here to me. Our therapist -"

"Doesn't know you like I know you " Jay finished for her . "You think you want to meet her but you don't want to see the reason why you wake up and can't look at me , you don't want to see who you have to compare yourself to , the reason why we sleep with our backs turned , why you took your ring off , why you don't trust me anymore . Am I right ?" Jay asked .

Bey didn't even bother answering him

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Bey didn't even bother answering him . Of course what he said was true and that hurt more than anything because he did know her and how she'd react to things , and he still chose to take a path that would break her .

Some days were easier than others but she couldn't help constantly feel at war with herself .

With her purse on her shoulder she walked out of the empty restaurant he had reserved just for them letting the fresh breeze dry the tears she didn't want to fall .

When she felt his arm around her she didn't even bother fighting him off

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When she felt his arm around her she didn't even bother fighting him off. She didn't know where she was going when she walked out so she was going to stop right in front of the window anyway .

"I want to go home " She managed to get out .

"We can do that " he nodded , hugging her to him as they left the restaurant.

Looks like she was going to have to do her own investigation.

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