Chapter 6: Masquerade

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 


Paper faces on parade . . .


Hide your face,

So the world will

Never find you!


Every face a different shade . . .


Look around -

There's another

Mask behind you!~

(Andrew Lloyd Webber)

Long ago when European royals grew bored with palace balls, they took a page from the peons and added some pageantry. Couture and Canapes are just another Saturday night until you add a mask, but preparing for a ball is an event in itself, which is why queens invented handmaidens

Elizabeth walked in from her run and sat at the counter and her dad put Waffles in front of her.

"Thank you, dad," she said then looked at her sister messing with stuff. "What's all this for J?"

"The Masquerade Ball" Jenny replied "You're going right? You promised if I made you a dress and mask you would go."

"Yes J, I'll be there." She smiled.

"A ball?" Dan asked walking in.

"Haven't you heard your sister is Cinderella" Rufus said.

"And let me guess your wicked stepsister is Blair Waldorf?" Elizabeth asked.

"She may have asked me to do a few things. But I'm happy to help"

"What do you get out of it?" Dan asked.

"Hopefully an invite and an outfit" Jenny replied "It's going to be insane. I'm surprised Serena hasn't mentioned it"

"Or either of my sisters? But I mean, why does Serena have to mention it we've only been out twice?"

"I gotta go deliver this stuff" Jenny said "And like I promised if you went, I made a dress and mask for you Lizzie. They're already in your closet."

"Thanks J" Elizabeth said, and Jenny took off.

"So, are you gonna make your sister happy and go to this thing?" her father asked.

"She made me a dress Dad. I kinda have to now, I did promise. But I'm gonna go to the ice rink and think on it" she replied taking the last bite and putting her plate in the sink and left.

She got to the ice rink and noticed it was empty. As usual. She loved it this way. Practicing with Drew was fun but when it was just her and the music it was her favorite. She put her skates on and walked over to the stereo and hit play then went to the middle of the floor. She waited for the words of the song and began dancing. Totally oblivious that someone was watching her.

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