Chapter 34: We are Family

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me.

~We are family~

(Sister Sledge)

When most people lose a parent, they inherit sorrow, loss and a closet full of outdated clothes. But on the Upper East Side, death's sad chapter comes with a silver lining or a gold one if your relatives invested wisely in precious metals.

Elizabeth met with Nate in front of the school. She kissed him.

"You have no idea how much I missed you" she said.

"Oh, I think I do"

"Are we one of those cheesy 'no you hang up first' couples?" she asked and he nodded.

"I'm afraid so" he laughed.

"When do you need to meet Chuck?" she asked and he looked at his phone.

"Now. So I hate to kiss and run"

"I'm okay with it" she said then kissed him. "Love you. Give Chuck my support"

"Love you too"

He hailed a cab and she walked into school running into Serena.

"Lizzie, hey" Serena said.


"Do you know why your brother is avoiding me?"

"He won't let me do Twin mind reading" she said. "He won't even let me practice, I've been trying since we were 8. So sorry no"

"Oh" Serena said and Elizabeth looked at her. She knew why but she couldn't tell her either.

"Look, I know my brother better than most people. I'm sure he just has something on his mind and it has nothing to do with you." She said.

"Thank you" she said.

After class she walked out of it and spotted Nate waiting.

"Was the Will reading that boring?" she asked.

"Blair and I sat in the hallway but Bart left Chuck a letter about the company."

"Is he gonna be more of an ass or less of one?"

"It's Chuck, we'll never know"

"What's with his uncle?" she asked.


"Yeah. Good guy? Bad guy? Weird old guy that hangs around young people?"

"So you've met him?"

"Yeah" she said "He was charming at first and then it was downhill from there."

"Sorry. I should have warned you about him"

"So where are you taking me tonight?"

"You're a free women?"
"Drew has his internship and the rest of the band has other jobs so I'm free."

"I will think of something then" he said as his phone buzzed.

"Other girlfriend?" she asked.

"I told her only after 4"

"So disobedient" she said shaking her head as he read his phone.

"Maybe you should talk to your brother" he said showing the post.

Is Lowly Lonely Boy cheating on our Queen? Sound Unlikely? Does Georgina ring a bell? Get your shovels and start digging the dirt, kids. Gossip Girl is gonna need a little help getting to the bottom this mess.

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