Chapter 104: 50 Ways To Say Goodbye

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me

~I wanna live a thousand lives with you

I wanna be the one you're dying to love

But you don't want to...

Help me, help me, I'm no good at goodbyes!~


They say we should carry our secrets to the grave. But on the Upper East Side, secrets are the one thing you can never bury. Even when we think we know everything about the ones we love there's always a skeleton in their walk-in closet.

Elizabeth stood behind the counter at the coffee shop cleaning the counters.

"You scrub any harder and you'll go through the counter" she heard Carter say. Her eyes got big and she looked up.
"Carter" she said.

"Hey" he said "You look so much better. Did you talk to him?"

"Um no" she replied "I didn't get the chance too."

"Why not?" he asked.

"We broke up. Because of you, well kinda you it was sort of an epiphany of mine. He couldn't figure out that you weren't the problem."

"I'm not the problem?" he asked "Wow, for the first time in your relationship with Nate, I'm not the problem"

"Wow, don't gloat or anything" she laughed.

"So you're single?" he asked.

"Well..." she said "Not really"

"You're seeing someone?"

"Yeah" she said. "It' and exciting. And I am really happy"

"I'm glad"

"I'm sorry, I know that you have this ideal that you and I..."

"Beth it's okay. Really. You and I are done. You said so yourself, so if you want to be with Nate or Chuck. I will step back and let you be happy"

"Thank you Carter. Really it means a lot that you are doing that" she replied "And how did you know?"

"Well I know you and if its not Nate then its Chuck. And well since finding out about what happened that summer between you and Chuck, I always knew it would be him."

"Yeah" she smiled

"I love seeing that smile on you" He said "Which is why I need to ask you about what was wrong? I'd never seen you like that, and it scared me"

"Um" she replied "The accident really scared me and freaked me out, and then learning that Nate was supposed to be in the vehicle that crashed. It really scared me"

"Beth" he said "You forget I know you"

"I was pregnant" she replied "I lost the baby, I don't know the technical terms they told me but it destroyed me on top of seeing Chuck lying there unconscious and it sent me a spiral I couldn't climb out of."

"Oh" he replied "I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it back up"

"It's okay. I have gone to therapy and I told Chuck, which is honestly the person I should have talked too about it"


"The baby was his. Ella's little brother or sister" she replied.

"I'm not the problem" he said raising an eyebrow. "An epiphany? Was that you don't love Nate like you do Chuck? I told you"

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