Chapter 66: Don't Stop Believin'

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A/N: Hey awesome people!! Last night I was told by one of you amazing readers that my story "Secret Keeper" that is on another platform, was stolen and posted by someone claiming it to be theirs. We got it off  for now and well I was blocked by the person in the process as well as that amazing loyal reader, so please If you guys can keep a look out and let me know if she posts it. The posters name is randomlol159 and she titles the story Secret Keeper//Chuck Bass. Also Please people be respectful and don't steal peoples work. I spend a lot of time on these stories and want them to be the best for my readers. And I shouldn't have to ask someone to take something down. You shouldn't have put it up in the first place.

Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me.

~Don't stop believin'

Hold on to that feelin'

Streetlight, people

Don't stop, believin'

Hold on

Streetlights, people

Don't stop believin'~


You reap what you sow, what goes around, comes around. No matter how far you run, you can never truly escape. Everything catches up to you in the end, and when it does it usually kicks your ass.

Elizabeth woke up and looked over at the other chair where Nate was sound asleep.

"Nate" she said. He woke up and looked at her.

"Oh my god" he said. "When did I fall asleep?"

"I don't know. I think I fell asleep first" she said and remembered that they were listening to her album "My album?"
"I loved it" he said. "I noticed a few songs were about me?"

"What? No" she said. "That's not possible"

"Liz, you suck at lying. At least to me" he said "Which is why I know you never met with Chuck about business. You two were seeing each other again weren't you?"

"You caught on to that?" she laughed.

"Yeah, at first I didn't want to see it but then every time I saw you two together I just couldn't help it." he said embarrassed "Thank you"

"Why are you thanking me? I was sleep..."

"You brought Chuck out of this depression, so thank you, and also for not saying anything about it"

"He did the same. But it's just water under the bridge" she said and it got quiet. "I can go grab us some coffee"

"Right were under a coffee shop"

"Give me a minute" she said and headed upstairs and saw Drew.

"Why are you in a cocktail dress?" he asked. "Oh my god? Did you bring him here, first Car...?"

"It's a long story. Short version I crashed downstairs last night. 2 coffees please" she said and he eyed her. "Not him, or him, but...him"

"Oh" he smiled.

He handed her the 2 cups and she went back down.

*Lily and Rufus*

They sat at the table eating breakfast.

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