Chapter 113: Everybody's Changing

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A/N: Hey Everyone! Sorry for the long delay on a Chapter. At work we went into a busy week to me going on a trip and then a family function and then back to a busy work schedule I didn't exactly have time to edit. I hope you enjoy and I will try my best to get more out before I leave town for another week at the end of the month.

No lyrics for this chapter. I was having a hard time deciding a song title and since there is more about everyone else I thought the title worked but didn't like any of the lyrics to match.

Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me

Up and at 'em Upper East Siders. It's important to start your day right. There's nothing worse than waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Except maybe waking up alone. I can hardly wait to see what today brings.

Elizabeth walked into the living room with Ella on her hip to see Chuck and Amira talking.

"Morning" she said kissing his cheek.

"You want to join me for brunch at Lily's?" he asked grabbing Ella from her.

"I can't" she said. "I have a coffee shop to run and I have a meeting with the owner of the coffee shop a couple streets down from the Empire. He's selling and he wants to offer me first buy. So that means Carter will be there"

"Well hopefully he's over it"

Not long after Chuck and Elizabeth got married Carter showed up at a concert and proposed to Elizabeth where she of course denied him. Ever since he's been distant.

"Hopefully. I just hope he doesn't use it against me in this deal. If I can get this shop it has 6 rooms downstairs that I can have renovated into ballet studios. Julliard is right there. And they don't just have to be used for dancing. You can just use a room for whatever you need. Instrument practice. Anything"

"I love how enthusiastic you are about this"

"I wasn't sure when I first got these businesses but with your faith in me I am going far with it"

"Well I am gonna bring Ella with me to Brunch." He replied "Lily would love to see her and she will bring the tension down"

"Have fun, and I'll see you later" she replied and kissed him. "Bye Amira."

"Bye Elizabeth" she replied.


They sat around the table. Ella in a high chair next to Chuck.

"Well thank you for accepting our invitation for brunch, Charles. You know how important is to me that we make an effort as a family"

"Of course, I do want you both to get to know Amira" Chuck said.

"How does Elizabeth feel about you two? You two were very serious there before summer?" Lily replied.

"We both respect each other and what we want in life. We are on an honest up front. For Ella's sake"

"Thank you so much for bringing her. I've missed that smiley face"

"Well, I thought she should hang out with her grandparents. Rufus and Allison had her all summer"

"Oh, she hung out with Allison?"

"Yes, Alex and Allison took her to an art museum there in Hudson. A little young but they said she liked all the colors"

"You're on speaking terms with them?"

"Elizabeth told me" Chuck replied which was a lie. He had actually spoken to them many times. After news broke that him and Elizabeth got married the two actually flew to Europe and had dinner with him and Elizabeth. He had been on speaking terms with since. "So..."

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