Chapter 40: Bloodshot

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me.

~I haven't been sleepin'

Just stare at the fan all night

And wait it out

And my friends say I'm losin' my mind

And my parents check in all the time

But it's harder to see you're not mine

With my bloodshot eyes~

(Dove Cameron)

When you lose hope in a dream sometimes all you're left with a sleepless nights. While some call the doctor for a refill I find the best solution is a full social calendar

Elizabeth put her guitar away after practicing with the band. They had been practicing nonstop getting ready for their tour. She arrived home right as her dad was leaving.

"Bye Dad" she said then closed the door and turned to her siblings "What is up Siblings?"

"She's chipper." Dan replied.

"Band practice. Music is..."
"We're happy that you're back to being happy Lizzie" Jenny said.

"Thank you. So really what is up?"

"Dan is looking for a job"

"Work at my coffee shop?" she said.

"Um sorry but I'm not working for you" Dan replied.

"Are you afraid I'd boss you around?"

"You do it at home, so yeah"

"Wes's mom owns a catering company" Jenny said

"Catering? That's definitely was not on the top of my list" he said "But sure yeah, if you don't mind asking"

"Not at all. Cause then I can ask him to come to dinner with me as a thanks for being so cool to my brother"

"Does that excuse work?" Elizabeth asked.

"My sister is back" Dan said hugging her "I missed your sarcasm so much"

"He also liked you not being sarcastic"

"That is true" he said.

"Well things are starting to be going well. And I'm happy for them" she said.


"No truthfully I am really happy for them"

"Does this mean you and Carter?" Jenny asked.

"No" she said "That ship has sailed and I don't plan on getting back on it."

"The guy from this summer?" her brother asked.

"I don't know about that" she replied thinking of Chuck. "I mean it's a possibility but not sure it would work"

"What about Drew?"

"He's like Dan to me"

"I'm glad to know I rank as high as Drew" Dan replied.

"You know that you're my favorite person on this entire planet. Followed by J, Dad and Mom"

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