Chapter 30: Stand By You

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

A/N: Another conflicted feeling's chapter. 

~And love, if your wings are broken

Borrow mine so yours can open too

'Cause I'm gonna stand by you~

(Rachel Platten)

For the rest of the country, Thanksgiving is when families come together to give thanks. But on the Upper East Side the holiday Thank fully returns to its roots. Lying, Manipulation and Betrayal and from what we hear. Just like the Indians, someone else is being pushed out of their home

Elizabeth walked down the hallway listening to a song that Drew told her to hear. She spotted Nate up ahead and she smiled so big and started running.

"Nate!" she yelled and ran straight toward him. He opened his arms and she jumped right into them and kissed him. He set her down then kissed her again.

"I've missed you" he said.

Don't tell me you're back to slumming it?"
"No, my mom and I are staying with a friend"

"Good" she smiled. "I was about to threaten you and not in a good way"

"Archibald" Chuck said walking over.

"Go away Chuck" Nate said.

"Well, if you're not living with..."

"Back off Chuck" Liz said glaring at him. "Right now is not the time or place for whatever it is you're gonna remark with"

"Fine" he replied walking away.

"So what are you doing for Thanksgiving?" she asked grabbing his hand as they walked down the hall.

"We're just gonna have it at the place were staying. Something small"

"Well you have to at least have pie with me?"

"Dan is still mad yes, but J and I talked, and everything is okay between us. And when it comes down to it that's all that matters because it was something between J and me"


"She admitted that she kissed you and it was a seriously in the moment kinda thing. Plus you're hot. I'd kiss you too" she smirked.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes" she said "I'm going to the coffee shop after school. We have a gig sometime soon we are working hard for."

"Well, I have to do something with my mom and then I will be right over" he said then kissed her. "Love you"

"I love you too" she replied.

That afternoon she and the band worked on their set they had come up with. It was all covers for the moment, but she knew eventually they'd get original work.

"I see a boyfriend" Drew said stopping and putting his guitar down. She looked up and saw Nate "I gotta get to work anyways you guys."

"See you later" she said and Drew left. She set her guitar down and turned to the guys. "This is Nate. Nate this is Liam and Zach, the other members of the band"

"Hey" Nate said.

"Hey" Zach said "Nice to finally see a face to the name"

"Same" Liam said "We actually have to get going as well"

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