Chapter 70: In My Daughter's Eyes

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~In my daughter's eyes

I can see the future

A reflection of who I am and what will be~

(Martina McBride)

Overnight, our brooding billionaire's become a generous gentlemen. But what's responsible for this metamorphosis? Or should I say who? Has a French Fairy touched Chuck with her magic wand? Or does simply being with an angel make you want to grow wings, too?

Elizabeth looked at the photo again and smiled. She was now about 22 weeks and had finally gotten a gender but before she told anyone else she wanted to tell Chuck first. Right after telling her dad and Lily she had finally told almost everyone. She hadn't really seen Serena or Blair and she was honestly scared to tell Blair after what happened with Jenny. She was also worried about Dan because he wasn't really thrilled about her news. Especially after finding out Georgina lied to him about Milo and he really wasn't his. She stepped into the Elevator of the Empire and headed to the Penthouse.

She stepped off the elevator to see Juliet.

"Hi" Juliet said "Bye"

The Elevator closed and Elizabeth looked so confused. She walked further in and spotted Nate, Eva and Chuck.

"Oh my god I interrupted" she said. "I will come back later"

"No" Nate said getting up and grabbing her. "Join us"

"Yeah" Chuck said pulling out the chair for her. She took a seat as did Nate.

"So where is Juliet headed?" she said taking a sip then spitting it out "That is a mimosa. Not good for baby"

"Ivan, Orange Juice please" Chuck said and Ivan poured a glass of orange juice for her.

"Thank you" she replied.

"Did Chuck tell you about his gala?" Nate asked.

"No, you're having a gala?" she asked taking a bite "What's the occasion? And is it okay if I don't go?"

"Elizabeth, please come"

"He's picking a charity" Eva said "He just can't decide yet"

"That is amazing Chuck" she said.

After breakfast Nate left as did Eva.

"Are you headed out?" Chuck asked as she grabbed her purse.

"Not yet" she replied. "I stopped by for a reason. Not breakfast though I did enjoy it. Thank you"

"Elizabeth. You know you are always welcome here"

She grabbed the picture out of her bag and handed it to him. He took it and looked at it.

"Congrats it's a girl" she said and he just stared. "Chuck?"

"A girl?"

"Yeah" she said and he hugged her. They pulled away and she wiped a tear she had felt fall.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Hormonal" she said "I actually should get going. I am now obviously pregnant and I need a dress for your gala tonight"

"I'm sure you'll look amazing" he said and kissed her cheek. "And I hope our daughter is just like you"

"Thank you, but you will regret that sentence when she's a teenager" she smiled

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