Chapter 13: I'll Be There for You

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me.

~I'll be there for you

(When the rain starts to pour)

I'll be there for you

(Like I've been there before)

I'll be there for you

('Cause you're there for me too)~

(The Rembrandts)

What's the difference between gossip and scandal? So glad you asked UES4ever. Anyone can commit a minor indiscretion and generate a day's worth of buzz, but in order for gossip to birth a true scandal, it requires the right person to be in the wrong place. Take one 'It' girl on a pedestal. Add a crowd eager to see her fall and give them the means to knock her down.

Elizabeth walked into the coffee shop when her phone dinged and she looked at it noticing at Gossip Girl post of Serena buying a pregnancy test. She quickly dialed Dan's number but went to voicemail.

"Danny, Call me" she said then hung up.

"Hey Beautiful" she heard Carter say and she turned to see him. He handed her a coffee.

"A man after my heart" she said and kissed him.

"I never saw this before. Who got this for you?" he asked playing with her charm bracelet.

"A friend from school" she said.

"They know you well" he said "Even the mask part. Did you tell them your thoughts on mask too? I thought that was our thing. I don't get the carriage though"

"Yeah" she lied which she hated. "The carriage is an inside joke"

"And the necklace?" he replied spotting the E necklace Chuck had gotten her. She may have given him crap for it but she actually liked it. Even if it came from Chuck Bass.

"Another friend" she replied

"You okay?" he asked.

"I should get to school" she said "I'll see you later"

"Yeah" he said and kissed her but she moved and he got her cheek.

She hailed a cab and got to school spotting Dan out front.

"So?" she asked. "Did you get my message?"

"Left my phone at home" he said.

"And?" she said and he gave her a weird look. "Gossip Girl post? Serena? Um the test that she may have taken. What is the result?"

He nodded finally getting where his sister was going with it.

"Not pregnant" he said "that is what you were asking right?"

"Yeah" she said. "Dad will be ecstatic or does he not know"

"Oh yes, you missed Jenny's scream this morning. Where were you anyways? You can't skate so you couldn't be on the ice. Nor can you run so what was Elizabeth Humphrey doing before school"

"I was laying on the ice" she said. "And then I went to the coffee shop and met up with my boyfriend"

"Why?" he asked ignoring the boyfriend part of that sentence "Isn't that really cold?"

Opposite Sides of the BridgeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon