Chapter 22: You Belong With Me

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~And you've got a smile

That can light up this whole town

I haven't seen it in a while

Since she brought you down

You say you're fine, I know you better than that

Hey, what you doing with a girl like that?~

(Taylor Swift)

In these last hazy days of summer a few simple tips to beat the heat. One, drink plenty of fluids. Two, stay out of the sun. Three, limit all physical activity. That is, within reason. And if the heats still too much, there's always a cold shower.

Elizabeth stood in the middle of Drew's room opposite Drew. They decided to meet there to practice some ballet moves since the ice rink was closed.

"So, this lady is blackmailing him and that's why you two can't be together?" Drew asked her as they stretched.


"Because they slept together over the summer?"

"More complicated than that" she replied. "It was I guess a secret relationship. I mean he had people who read Gossip Girl convinced that he and Serena were together. Which I believed, sort of"

"Well, you see then you shouldn't feel guilty about dating and sleeping with Chuck because he slept with someone"

"Chuck is his best friend and they just became friends again after the whole thing last year with Chuck sleeping with Blair." She replied. "I don't want to be that girl who ruins a friendship, because I fell in love with his best friend during the summer"

"Wow the L word. Have you even told Nate that you love him?"

"I have" she said "I told you complicated."

"What about Chuck? How does he feel about you?"

"He said that he knew Carter would always be my first love, but I would always be his"

"Your life is officially a soap opera" he laughed.

"Shut up." She laughed "But you're right. What should I do?"

"You want Nate, right?"

"Yeah" she said "He's the ideal guy. Perfect to the T"

"Then fight for him" he replied "Support him, help him with this harlot"

"I am so glad I met you" she replied then saw the time "But I need to go, I told my dad I would watch the gallery café until Vanessa gets there and since the coffee shop is closed its how I'm getting my fix"

"I'm gonna swing by the rink later, see if it's open yet"

"Meet you there later?"

"You got it Boss" he said.

Spotted: S and Lonely Boy, locking lips like all is forgiven.

Elizabeth stood behind the counter at the Gallery. Nate walked in and smiled seeing her.

"What are you doing on my side of town" she replied

"Seeing you" he said "Why are you behind the counter. This isn't the coffee shop?"

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