Chapter 43: Time After Time

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me.

~If you're lost you can look and you will find me

Time after time

If you fall, I will catch you, I'll be waiting

Time after time~

(Cyndi Lauper)

Elizabeth walked into the living room to see her siblings and Vanessa.

"She's out" Dan said. "You are definitely the most like dad of us all"

"Why?" she asked. "Where is Dad?"

"He's in his room too"

"Did Lily say no?" she asked "That doesn't seem right. What happened?"

"He didn't actually propose"

"Why not?" she asked sitting between her siblings and picking of a carton of Chinese food and began eating. Chinese food was her absolute favorite. Her comfort food.

"I don't know" he said and spotted their dad.

"Hey Dad" Jenny said.

"So Prom tomorrow night. What do you say? We stay in, watch some scary movies?" Dan asked. "A Humphrey Sibling night plus Vanessa"

"The Scarier the better" Vanessa replied.

"Absoultly" Jenny said.

"You're the 'Gossip Girl' Generation. Don't expect me to believe you're not interested in this Gossip"

"Nope" Dan said then stood up and went to the kitchen to talk to their dad.

"I think I am gonna go" Elizabeth said.

"You just sat down though" Jenny replied.

"No, not go. I mean Prom. I think I'm gonna go"

"What?" Vanessa asked. "It's Prom Lizzie. A social event"
"I know" she said "But I think I should go. It is Senior Prom after all. It only comes once in your life."

"For Nate?" Jenny asked

"For myself"

"You have a date?"

"Drew said he'd go with me"
"Oh my god" Jenny said.


"I have a dress for you" she replied and grabbed her hand then pulled her to her room. She opened the closet and pulled out a light blue sheer dress that was covered in so much detail of little blue vines and handed it to Elizabeth.

"J, this is beautiful"

"I made it thinking you and Nate would go to Prom and then when you broke up I put it in the back of the closet. I'm just glad now that I actually finished it."

"You're the best little sister ever" she said hugging her and they went back out into the living room.

"Lily had Serena arrested" their dad said.

"What?" Dan asked.

"Why?" Jenny replied.

"I suggest you kids stay out of it. Let these Van der Woodsen women fight it out themselves"

"Wow" Jenny replied.

"So where did you two go just now?" Dan asked.

"Lizzie is going to prom" Vanessa said.

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