Chapter 25: 3 Small Words

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~I'm a Punk Rock Prom Queen

Brown paper magazine

Hotter than you've ever seen

And everywhere and in between

I'm a ten-ticket thrill ride

Don't ya wanna come inside

A five-star triple-threat

Hardest of the hard to get

No one's little red Corvette

Ain't seen nothing like me yet~

(Josie and the Pussycats Soundtrack)

Rise and shine early birds. Gossip Girl here, we all have dreams, some good, some bad, some fun and Freudian. And some are the dreams we've had our whole lives.

Elizabeth put her guitar in the case and checked her audition outfit one last time. She wanted this so bad. She picked up the case and walked out in the living room to see her brother and dad.

"Well I'm off, it's just me, the best English department in America and a hundred other highly competitive extremely nervous wannabee Yalies" Dan said

"Wait for me" she said.

"Why you're not going?" Dan said "And how did you get by with that. I thought every senior was required to go to one of the Campuses?"

"I'm taking a tour of Columbia in a few days and writing a paper about it and its program with Julliard. Plus Headmistresses adores me. So far I'm the only Humphrey that hasn't been in her office due to some trouble. She'll probably make me a special award for that itself"

"Over achiever"

"I'm going with you right now because my boyfriend is going and I want to say bye to him and get a good luck kiss. And to tell him not to let Chuck talk him into trouble"

"Is that what you're wearing to your audition?" he asked noticing her back lace top and black skinny jeans. She looked down at herself and then back up to him.



"What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing" he said "Let's go!"

"Break a leg Rock Star." Her dad said hugging her.

"Thanks dad"


*Nate and Chuck*

"Get excited Archibald" Chuck said. "We are three hours away from horny women's studies majors wanting to work out all their anger toward men in their bunk beds"

"And I have a girlfriend" Nate said. "Not to mention my heart is still set on USC. I just wish my mom wouldn't push Yale so hard."

"She's only pushing it because the Van der Bilt side of her family practically owns it. Think of it this way. Yale is your safety school"

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