Chapter 65: An Innocent Man

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me.

~Because I am an innocent man~

(Billy Joel)

New Day, New Designer. Whether it's love or war you're outfitting for, thank god for friends and fashion.

Elizabeth walked in to the Empire with Coffee. Chuck was on the phone.

"It's a good thing you're not a drug dealer anymore. That girl you sold Lily's fake oxy to wanted double what she paid just to give me the bottle back...My personal pharmacist is looking into it...He appreciates a fine pharmaceutical and why are you whispering? If it's a seduction technique don't bother I'm sleeping with your sister."

Elizabeth smacked him then handed him a coffee.

"Fine, Well, I'll let you know when I hear about something about the antibiotics" he replied and hung up then turned to Elizabeth "Don't worry she thought I was joking. Well I think"

"Okay" she said. "She better believe that"

They walked into the kitchen to see Nate.

"You give someone something?" Nate asked.

"Only hours and hours of enjoyment" Chuck said and Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"Thank you for that visual. Hey Liz" Nate said looking between the two of them. "What brings you by?"

"Business" Chuck responded drinking the cup of coffee she had handed him.

"Oh, well I'm gonna go see Serena" he said still looking at them

"Does this mean she's finally out from under her father's spell?" Chuck asked.

"Serena's in a good place. I mean after Palm beach she stopped running away or keeping secrets"

"That's good." Elizabeth replied "Secrets can cause problems"

"Say hello to Blair for me" Chuck said and Elizabeth glanced at him. "I hope she has a great day"

"Do not do anything to mess with her date, please"

"Her date?" Chuck said "With whom?"

"You serious? You have your spies and you had to get it out of me? Come on, you finally stopped defiling the pool table" Nate said and Elizabeth glanced away "You got Blair into Columbia. Why not let things end on a good note?"

Chuck's phone began to ring and he looked down at it.

"Look I need to take this. And don't worry I have more important concerns than Blair's social life" Chuck said then left the room. Elizabeth turned to Nate.

"I'm happy that Serena's not running or keeping secrets. You must really love her to trust her"

"Liz" he said "I trusted you too"

"Yeah but obviously not enough for us to survive. That or you just love Serena a lot more than you ever loved me" she said then left the room.

"Elizabeth" Nate said rounding the corner.

"Forget it Nate. I'm sorry. I need to stop throwing that in your face if I'm ever gonna move on" she said. Nate glanced past her to where Chuck had went to then back to her.

"I'm sorry about how we ended. I honestly thought that maybe we had run our course. All we did was fight about Carter" He said.

"And Serena" she replied "We fought about her too."

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