Chapter 50: Not Falling Apart

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me.

~Now I can't walk, I can't talk anymore

Since you walked out the door

And now I'm stuck living out that night again

I'm not falling apart~

(Maroon 5)

Elizabeth sat in her room putting all of her Nate stuff in a box. With them being over this time she was thinking it was for good and she didn't really want to look at it. She had one for Carter too up in her closet. She wasn't sure how she was gonna handle the breakup this time. The last time it destroyed her, but she knew she couldn't be that girl. She had to be stronger than that.

"Dad wants to know if you're gonna help pack some of his stuff?" Jenny asked peaking in.

"I'm kind of in a funk right now" she replied then thought about what she had just told herself about being strong "Actually tell him I'll be out in a second."

*Serena and Nate*

"When did Tripp decided to run for Congress?" Serena asked "And should somebody tell him the election is not until next year?"

"Well, after congressman Kruger died, a house opened up in Manhattan. You know grandfather. He figured, why wait?"

"Well, it's nice of you to help" Serena said.

"Well, Tripp's a good guy, and with the Buckley's buying up all these attack ads against his campaign. It keeps me busy and distracted"

"Have you spoken to Lizzie lately?" Serena said.

"No. I've tried calling her a few times. I think were done for real this time. Have you spoken to Carter?"

"Not since my mom's wedding. I've left him a dozen messages. I don't know if he's mad at me or..." Serena said "And anytime I try to talk to Lizzie about it she changes the subject. She doesn't want to talk about you or him,"

"That's why I called" Nate said "Supposedly the Buckley's are flying him out to Galveston so he can work off his debt"

"Work it off how?"

"On one of the family oil rigs"
Elizabeth walked out into the living room.

"She's alive" Dan said

"Funny" she said rolling her eyes at him "What are we talking about."

She saw the paper her dad was reading

"Vanessa is a shoo in to give the toast at the freshman dinner on Parent's weekend"

"That's awesome V" Elizabeth said.

"Dan, can I borrow your muscles" Jenny said and they walked away.

"I got a message from Josh Ellis" Vanessa said. "He's the alumnus who decides who gives the toast. Supposedly it's between me and some other girl"

"Well you'll get it" Elizabeth said. "Like Dan said, you're a shoo in"

"Speech or no speech I hope you're inviting your parents"

"You're kidding right? My parents hate that I'm at a private college 'Buying' an elitist education 'Knowledge shouldn't be for sale'"

"Sure, Arlo and Gabriela are progressive, but if they knew how much good you were doing at the school. I'm sure they'd come around"

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