Chapter 28: Supermodel

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Disclaimer: I own Elizabeth, all the rest of the characters unless otherwise noted do not belong to me. 

~You better work, cover girl, work it girl, give us a twirl

Do your thing on the runway

Work, supermodel, you better work it, girl of the world

Wet your lips and make it love to the camera~

(Ru Paul)

Spotted at Mood, Jenny Humphrey buying 16 yards of Tulle. But since when does Eleanor Waldorf pay for her purchases with a penny jar. They say a stitch in time saves nine. Will it save little J?

Elizabeth stood in her room looking in the mirror at the dress she had on. Lily had learned through Serena that Elizabeth could play the guitar and invited her to play some at an event. So now she was trying to find her most elegant dress. She heard loud noises coming from her sister's room. She headed that direction and walked in.

"Hey J" she said then spotted all the fabric "What's going on?"

"Lizzie? Hi, um I thought you went with Dan and Nate to the movies"

"I let them have a guy's day before I steal Nate for tonight" Elizabeth said looking around still confused on what was going on.

"You need to sew faster" Agnes Jenny's friend said.

"Once again. What is going on J? Why is there so much fabric?"

"It's nothing"

"Which for you means it's something" she said crossing her arms.

"We're putting on a fashion show" Jenny said.

"J" Agnes said

"She's my sister, she was gonna get it out of me whether it was willingly or not. She's evil and has her ways."

"Thanks" Elizabeth replied "Is this for Eleanor?"

"No. I quit"

"You what?" she asked "Dad doesn't know does he?"

"And I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell him"

She looked around the room at her designs.

"Fine. I won't tell. But you owe me so big"

"Okay" Jenny said, and Elizabeth started to leave "Wait Lizzie"

"Yeah" she asked turning around.

"I need one more favor?"


"You're performing at that event tonight, right?"

"Uh yeah"

"Can you sneak us in?" she asked.

"Wait you're doing it there?"

"Yeah" Jenny said.

Elizabeth looked at her sister who was giving her puppy dog eyes. She sighed and nodded.

"I have one better" she said.


"Nate has a plus one"

"What about you?"

"I'm already invited because I'm the entertainment. His mom isn't able to go so that leaves an opening for you to take."

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