The Baddest Bitch In the Game, Jailyn James.

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(This book is a sequel to my other story, 'FWB Friends With Baseball.' If you haven't already, please go check that out. For all of my readers coming back, thank you, and I hope you continue to enjoy!)

As of 3/17/22, this story is being revised. I apologize in advance for any continuity errors that may arise.


Crossing my legs as I take a sip of the water bottle I was given, the interviewer jumps right in. "So you've had quite the off-season," he starts. Nodding, I set my bottle back on the ground as he continues, "Yeli's one of my favorite players."

"Mine too," I joke, sitting back up straight.

"How does that work when you're both in season?" He asks, making me furrow my brow slightly, "Like I'm sure it's not easy to stay in contact given both of your schedules."

His elaboration didn't help my disdain over the question. "I mean, it just does," I shrug. "Realistically, it's only about five months where we're both working before I'm able to follow him the rest of his season. During that time, we try to Facetime every day, even if that means one of us has to stay up late while the other finishes their game."

"Five months is a pretty long time, though," He continues, causing me to glance towards my publicist, Hannah, as she shrugs. "Doesn't that give a lot of room for jealousy?"

"If either of us had any reason not to trust the other, I guess?" I almost ask, pretty offended at what he's trying to imply.

"I'm just saying, as a guy, if I had that much time away from my girl, let alone the pool of girls to pick from that Yeli's got, it'd be pretty hard to not wonder." The look Hannah and I share before he continues on, "Let alone in your case, you could get any dude you want, like look at you." As he gestures to my body, I scoff, completely disgusted that this is a thing right now.

"Let me just stop you right there," I start, more pissed than everything, "You don't get to assume ANYthing about me or my husband. Up until today, you've never interacted with either of us to know anything about us. Christian and I are very secure in our relationship, hence why we're married. Something I don't suspect you'll ever be able to say giving you just blatantly admitted to being down to cheat if you were given the time. Then that little once over you gave me? How fucking disrespectful. We were here to promote my line with Adidas, as well as the season me and the rest of Team USA are in the middle of. Not to have some douche questioning my relationship with my husband."

"If you didn't take that as a hint, we'll be wrapping this up now," Hannah says, officially stepping in. "Do better," She scolds before helping me remove the mic pack.

Sharing a look with Hannah, I don't say another word as we set the mic pack on the chair, and I'm escorted out of the room while my team handles the interviewer. As soon as the door closes and I'm heading down the hallway out of the press room, I can't continue to bite my tongue.

"What the fuck was that?" I ask, fully getting pissed about how the whole thing went down. "Do I have to put Christian in my 'Do not Ask' list? That's fucking ridiculous."

"I'm sorry, Jailyn," Jenna starts, "Hannah's handling it. When he ran through the list, he was going to congratulate you and then ask how things were going, and that's it."

Scoffing, I push through the doors to the still empty concourse trying to make my way down to the batting cages to get some pre-game reps in, "It's fucking ridiculous that I have to say this, but if that's how interviews are going to continue to go, Christian has to get put on my do not ask list. How the fuck am I supposed to do my job if that's all people ask me about? It's not like he has the same issues, he gets a congrats, and that's it. It's some sexist fucking bullshit, and I'm sick of it." 

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