Can't Get Hall Of Fame D. . .

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"I like your dress mamma!" Ryk says commenting on my long-sleeved white dress with a yellow rose pattern as he comes downstairs in the outfit I left out for him, a little navy blue polo and khaki-colored cargo shorts. I swear every time I look at this kid he looks more and more like his dad his eyes being the only thing he seemed to get from me. 

"Well thank you cutie pie," I tell him grinning as I grab one of his belt loops and pull him towards me so I can tuck his shirt in for him. "You excited to see daddy give his speech today?" 

"Yeah!" Ryker tells me obviously excited, "He's going to do a good job I bet." 

"Me too. Your daddy's always been very good with his words," I tell him, "Even better than me!" 

"No way, you're the best," Ryker says, he's made it pretty obvious where Christian and I stand in his mind. I'd pay more mind to it if Ariella wasn't just as glued to Christian as Ryk has always been to me.  

"No way," I tell Ryker shaking my head, "That's always been one of my favorite things about your dad. As long as I've known him he's been very well-spoken and thoughtful." 

"Haven't you known daddy forever mamma?" Ryk asks his little eyebrows furrowed 

His comment makes me laugh, he obviously wouldn't know otherwise I guess. Shaking my head I smile, "No, I haven't known daddy forever. Sometimes it feels like I have because I can't imagine my life without him anymore. I met your daddy fifteen years ago at uncle Tyler's work. It was right after one of his baseball games and he was probably the last person I would've expected to come into what used to be a dinky little bar. Your daddy was kinda a superstar at the time, it was in the middle of his season the year after he won his first MVP. You know what that means right?" 

"Yeah!" Ryk answers excitedly, "Daddy was the best!" 

Smiling I nod, "Yeah, he was so he came in and I saw him and just knew I had to find a way to talk to him. So I did and we've never stopped talking since."

"And I wouldn't change almost anything about it," Christian says setting Ariella down in her yellow floral printed romper and her beautiful curls in a ponytail before he leans in and kisses my cheek, "Best fifteen years of my life. You guys ready?"

Arriving at the venue here in Cooperstown, Christian was almost immediately whisked away into the whirlwind of the day. People wanting to congratulate him, tell him all about their favorite memories of him. Ariella pretty much refused to let me take her from him so he could handle everything but Christian insisted that it was okay and just took her with him. And he thought Ryk was bad with me. Ryan and Larissa found me very quickly it seemed like and greeted Ryker and me with big hugs. Ryan picking Ryk up, "How are you getting so big already Mini Yeli?" 

"Cause I'm almost five," Ryker tells him with a hint of sass.

"Are you sure?" Ryan asks, "Hey wheres Ari?" 

"Where do you think?" I ask laughing, "She was basically screaming when we tried passing her off so Christian could go mingle." 

"Well," Ryan says before looking to Ryker, "What do you say we go find some snacks and your dad?"

"Okay," Ryk says with a big smile. Ryan looks at me and shoots a wink as I mouth back 'thank you'. 

Watching them a moment before the two of them disappear in the crowd of people I look back to Larissa who's already offering me a glass of Champagne. "There's a reason we love you guys." 

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