Enjoy It While You Can.

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"Why the hell was it apparently so damn easy to get pregnant when I'm actually on birth control and had less than a one percent chance of it happening than it is now with no form of protection what so ever?" I ask Christian coming out of the bathroom, frustrated as another month has come and I've gotten my period once again making it pointless to even take a test right now. "Like the one fucking thing my body is supposed to do is just not happening."

Christian sighs running his hand through his hair as he shakes his head, "I don't know JJ, it's not making any sense to me either. Maybe it's not you maybe I'm shooting blanks or something. Maybe we're just not meant to have a kid the typical way."

"Can you not say that?" I ask even more annoyed now, "Like what the fuck Christian we've been trying all of August, all of September, it's now November and we're still fucking nowhere. How can you all the sudden be shooting blanks like you didn't get me pregnant once before? None of this shit makes any sense." I hold my hands on my head and pull on my hair a little out of just sheer frustration over everything not happening for us right now. "If I'm not pregnant by the end of January I'm going back to softball. There's no point in not seeing as you'll be starting back up your last season and if I don't I'll have to wait a third season before I considered going back."

"JJ," Christian says trying not to sound frustrated for my sake, "Look we can make appointments with a fertility specialist or something to figure it out. I don't really know what the hell I'm supposed to tell you right now Jai."

"Yeah well I don't fucking know either Christian," I reply far more aggressively than remotely necessary.

"Alright," Christian says standing up pissed off with me, "I'm going downstairs because if we don't give each other a little bit of space right now, we're just going to end up fighting."

Standing up myself I shake my head, "You know what, don't worry about it, I'm going for a drive. You do whatever, obviously you're right." I grab a pair of my sweats and slip them on before flipping my hair back behind me. "I obviously need to cool the fuck down and I don't really know how to accomplish that staying in the house right now."

Christian sighs and just nods pushing his hair back, "Alright, be safe, I love you."

"I love you too."

It's really hard not to smile when you're greeted with a hug like Alecia's as soon as you pull up to her house practically. She's incredibly excited to have me here and that I wanted to talk as if we've never had a serious talk or something before. Alecia has always been one of my favorite people in the world since the day I actually met her, she reminds me so much of my mom it's almost insane.

"Did you eat yet?" Alecia asks as I follow her into her kitchen, "I can whip something up for you, I think I have everything for Chicken Parm even. I know that's one of your favorites."

"Oh my gosh, you don't even have to worry about it," I comment laughing a little at how generous and caring she's always been, "If you haven't eaten yet and wanna make it I wouldn't mind, but I don't want you going out of your way just for me. I can always grab something on the way back to Christian and my place."

"Oh please, you know damn well I have no problem cooking for you guys! You two also eat out way too much," She comments going into her fridge and pulling out the chicken breast, cheese, and marinara before grabbing the seasonings from her cabinet. "So what's up? Do I have to scold my son for you?"

I can't help but laugh and shake my head as she's already on my side not knowing anything about what I wanted to talk to her about. "No, we're okay. We were both getting frustrated and agreed that we should give each other some space to cool off so it didn't turn into a fight. I said that I was going to go for a drive and like fifteen minutes into that is when I called you."

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