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God only knows how long I'm sat in the trainer's office, a washcloth over my face and a bag of ice on my shoulder before Diana pops back in again. "Hey, I think someone wants to talk to you." 

Letting the washcloth fall to my lap, I take my phone and see Christian's name above the Facetime call. "Hey," I say quickly, I'm sure the annoyance with the whole situation evident in the lone syllable.

"Damn, so it's a real reason you're not out there," Christian replies, "What happened?" 

"Maddy's fucking replacement," I reply, still more than upset over the whole thing. "The first rule you learn is to listen to your fucking teammates." Christian nods, his brow furrowed slightly as he lets me vent a little bit. "I called her off and she didn't call a damn thing, yet somehow I'm the one who gets body slammed into the ground and separates their fucking shoulder." 

"Is it really that bad?" Christian asks, seemingly not wanting to believe me.

"Obviously, it's not completely confirmed but," I sigh, trying to move my right arm slightly and wincing in the process, "Given my nonexistent range of motion and the pins and needles still tingling down my arm, it's our pretty solid guess."

"Jeez," He says, shaking his head slightly, obviously not knowing what else to say. Injuries suck, he knows that, he's also more than aware of where my numbers are right now. "I'm sorry, JJ." 

"The part that gets me the most is the fact I was on track to have the best year of my career. Like we're two games out of the mid-season mark and I've still got an over .900 average. As much history I've created, this year was going to be the year," I emphasize. "This was supposed to be the year I looked back on in twenty years and know that it was my peak." 

"I feel like you've been able to say that every year," Christian points out.

Shaking my head quickly I have to disagree. "No, It was a down year last year, then 2020 and 2021 were average. This was supposed to be my year." 

"It's crazy that putting up an .887 is what you call a down year," Christian points out, "JJ, this stuff happens. There's not much you can do about it now."

"Well, no shit," I reply, giving him a lot more attitude than he deserves. "What's your next week look like?" 

Christian seems to brush off my attitude as he answers, "We finish this series in Arizona tomorrow afternoon and then fly back right after for two series at home." 

"I'll have to figure out what I'm doing for everything then. Obviously, I'm going to be home probably come tomorrow, but I've got no idea what the plan from there is. Probably, go see Dr.Collins again."

"Right," Christian agrees, nodding to himself, "I guess the bright side is that it's not another three months before we see each other." 

"Christian, this isn't a look on the bright side type of moment, my season is done, and I'm probably looking at another surgery to repair the tendons. God forbid something sets it back on top of it already killing this season," I vent, still more than pissed about this whole situation.

There are a couple of taps on the door before Nat pops her head in, "Hey can I talk to you?" 

"No," I reply immediately, "I'm in pain, I'm pissed and I'm going to say shit that's probably going to hurt some feelings. So no, we can't talk right now." Natasha just nods, quickly shutting the door again as she heads back out. We just ate our first loss. There's no chance we came back from the three-run deficit that I'd last heard of the score. "That's what I should be saying to you right now." 

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