Call Her Daddy.

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"Jenna: Hey, give me a call when you get a chance. Nothing super important, just trying to set up some press for you while you're in Boston." Reads the first message I get stepping off the Brewers team plane. Rolling my eyes, I shove my phone back in my pocket as I continue following Christian along with his teammates and their families as we're all photographed arriving in Boston for game three of the World Series. As annoyed as I'd like to be about the excess cameras fresh off of a flight, how many times will we be in this position? Switching my bag to my other hand, I lace my fingers between Christian's, giving him a small smile as he looks down at me. He grins a moment before looking back ahead.

The drive to the hotel is quick, and after the retrieval of the hotel keys, I finally get the chance to call Jenna back. The whole concept of doing press for myself right now is ridiculous to me, but the kettle is as hot as ever in Jenna's eyes. "Hey, did everyone make it to Boston okay?"

"Yeah, we just got to the hotel," I tell her, ignoring Christian's curious gaze. "What did you exactly have in mind?"

"A couple of local stations had reached out trying to set something up, but the only one I'm going to push for you to do is 'Call Her Daddy," Jenna explains. God, I really do not have the time or energy to make a trip up to New York if that's what she's trying to get at here.

"Alex would be coming down here, right?" I clarify, "Because I'm trying to support my husband right now in one of the biggest points of his career, and that's going to be a little harder to do from New York."

"Yes, Jailyn," Her annoyance is evident as I can't help my slight chuckle. "We'd figure out a time and place for everything to get set up and everything to work with Christian's schedule."

"Then I guess that's fine," I reply, meeting Christian's watchful eye as we take the elevator to our room. When I roll my eyes, he has a small laugh accompanying his subtle head shake. "Just text me the details once you get them figured out."

"Will do. Thanks, Jai."

"The grind never stops," I comment with a slight sigh as I slip my phone into my pocket. "Jenna's setting up press for me while we're here."

"Of course, she is," Christian laughs, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "I wasn't anticipating we'd get much time together tomorrow."

"I know," I reply, "It just feels weird doing press for myself right now."

"I guess," He comments back, pulling me in front of him gently as he wraps his arms around me. "Think of it this way," He starts again, leaning down to talk gently in my ear, "In a couple of weeks, we'll be alone on an island. Just the two of us, no obligations, no pushy managers or publicists bugging us. You and me."

"Remember all the times we've talked about if one of us sucked," I ask, laughing a little as the elevator dings, signaling our floor.

Christian laughs with me before calling out, "Aye, Willy!" As his teammate who'd been waiting for the elevator appears.

"Yeli's!" Willy calls back, making me laugh at the plural use of Christian's long-time nickname. "Come grab a couple drinks!"

Willy steps into the elevator as we step out before Christian replies, "Maybe in a little bit."

"I see," Willy says, laughing, giving us a nod as the elevator closes again.

Snorting to myself, I shake my head as Christian, and I make it to our room. Swiping the key, Christian and I kick our shoes off to the side as soon as we get inside, locking the door just as quickly behind us.

"Did you wanna get drinks?" Christian asks, his hand on my hip as we get fully settled in the room.

"Did you?" I ask, my mind more on him than anything right now. "You've been pretty clingy since I got off the phone."

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