7 Rings.

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"Whoever said money can't solve your problems must not have had enough money to solve em," Carly and I sing to each other as someone is Instagramming us for their story as we have all seven of our gold medals around our necks. Not exactly '7 Rings' but I'm pretty sure that gold medals suffice just fine. "Happiness is the same price as red bottoms."

Carly and I continue vibing with each other for the rest of the song before the attention is taken off of us and we can go find Maddy, as a Post Malone plays around us. Weaving our way through people we find Maddy at the bar ordering a drink. She spots us and excitedly jumps up wrapping her arms around both of us, we're the last of the OG's.

"God it feels so damn good to be part of this, like we're the shit history books write about! Nearly a decade long win streak," Maddy says holding a two up to the bartender getting Carly and I each a drink. "Like Jai's obviously going to be talked about for the rest of her life and then some, but like we get to be part of that shit bro."

I laugh just shaking my head at Maddy getting all sentimental and excited about our legacy we're someday going to have to leave behind. "Well, I couldn't have asked for two better people to ride this out with. Seven-time world champions and a guaranteed number one spot on the Olympic roster in LA none the less? Fuck this shit couldn't get better," I tell them over the loud thumping music of our Championship celebration.

"I mean yeah," Maddy says, "Between us, in the last seven years there are seven world championships, two baseball boyfriends, two cheating scandals, two could've been kids," I choke on my drink as I laugh a little at how dark that is, and the fact she brought it up. God we love trauma humor, "One uber-successful marriage, twenty physical gold medals, seven years of friendship, two torn tendons."

"Represent," I call out laughing at the call out of my two injuries.

"and most importantly," Carly finishes up singing, "Cause we're the three best friends that anyone can have!"

"And we'll never ever ever ever ever leave each other," I continue quoting 'The Hangover' as we all laugh. Truly no one else in the world that I'd rather have as my teammates.

"Hey Ty, how busy is the bar rn?" I shoot Tyler in a text seeing if I could pop in or not. It's been a minute since I've seen Tyler or Dylan now seeing as Christian and I pretty much head to LA now right away in the offseason. I pop into the bar often enough while Christian's season is wrapping up that we've kept up enough but it's kinda weird where we are now being like full-on adults. I don't even remember when I met Tyler anymore it was so long ago but that kid and I seriously grew up together. God, this is so weird to think about.

I decide I don't feel like waiting for an answer I'm sure it's not that bad seeing it's the middle of the afternoon on a Thursday. Grabbing my keys and my purse I head out to the garage and hop into my Jeep. I should get a lift kit for this. Why the hell do you want a lift kit Jai? You're seriously thinking about having a kid and now you're thinking of getting a fucking lift kit? Laughing a little to myself I just shake my head pulling out of the garage and shutting it again behind me.

After the short drive into the city to the bar, I hop out of my car and grab my purse shutting the door behind me and hitting the button twice locking it. Tossing my keys into my purse I head into the bar. There are only about six people total in here besides Tyler. My arrival definitely gets some head turns as I head over behind the bar as Ty calls out to me, "Well if it isn't the seven-time world champion in the flesh."

I grin a little giving him a hug, "If it isn't the best friend every girl needs, how've you been?"

"Pretty good, we're just as busy as ever. You should've seen the turn out the entire weekend of your tournament it was like Brewers in the World Series level of excitement," Tyler explains wiping down a spot on the bar.

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