Our Little Family.

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After everything at home, the EMT's took us to the hospital where we could make sure that everything was okay and get everything in order. I had a lot of bleeding I guess so they wanted to keep me for that as well as getting situated with the lactation specialist so I can feed my baby. For the very first time in hours, it feels like Christian and I are here and alone with our son. All eight pounds and eleven ounces of him swaddled up and held in my arms. He's I guess pretty big especially for being three weeks early. Thankfully they said that he is very healthy and we've got nothing to worry about. Well, next to nothing seeing as we still have no idea what we want to name him now.

"What about Carter?" Christian asks sitting in the bed next to me with his arm around me as we look at our baby boy snuggled so peacefully in his little blanket.

"I don't want another C name, between us there's already like twelve in our family," I tell him speaking gently continuing to stare at our perfect little boy in my arms, "Kingston?"

"I feel like we'd sound pretentious with that one," Christian says with a small laugh, "And I'm also just thinking of Sean Kingston now."

I giggle a little at the idea, "Ayo Sean yo Mr.Kingston."

"I'd say Jaiden but you've already got a pretty strong hold on that Jai nickname to most people," He replies, "JJ to me though." I smile a little at how little that is but how insanely significant that little nickname has become to me. I've had a few people call me JJ before him but he's the only person who's ever fully ran with it.

"What if we did something like that for him," I reply looking up to Christian, "Play on JJ, give him something like that?"

"Like his name or like a nickname?" Christian asks looking to me now.

"A nickname maybe?" I say unsure, "Like AJ or something, JC maybe? JC is kinda cute kinda like Jailyn and Christian. Obviously not Jailyn Christian though that'd be weird."

Christian chuckles, "I like that too."

"Now we just need a J name to go off of that fits with Yelich," I comment, "J-Names kinda have a reputation though. Like, remember Josh?"

Christian scoffs shaking his head, "Well we'll teach him not to be an asshole and he can be the exception."

"Alright," I answer, I blow a little air out of my mouth looking back to our son, "Jordan?"

"See that makes me think of Jordan Belfort."

"I been getting dirty money Jordan Belfort, Stacking penny stocks while I'm flipping these birds," I sing out laughing, "God throwback to when I was in college and went to frat parties."

Christian laughs too, "I guess its a no to Jordan then. I'm just going back to Jaiden."

"Like I don't hate Jaiden," I tell Christian, "It's like two letters off of my name though and the kids already going to be compared to us and expected to be so much because of who we are. The least we could do is give him a name that's his own."

"Yeah," he replies with a little sigh, "Who'd have thought that the hardest part would be the name?"

I scoff, "Yeah you're not allowed to say that, you didn't push him out on our bedroom floor with no drugs or trained assistance."

Christian laughs before kissing my head as we look back at our son. "Alright, I definitely can't argue there. That was probably one of the scariest moments of my life though. I obviously don't know what I'm supposed to do, I'm not a doctor and it's not exactly a pretty sight watching. Kinda freaky to watch honestly."

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