Please let me be Petty.

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"So far, everything's been good. JJ and I are back home, she's napping now, but short of any complications, I should be back tomorrow," I text Ryan back, knowing he's not going to stop bugging us if I don't. Even with him being retired, he's still very involved in what's happening in my life. As annoying as he can be, it's hard not to appreciate him as a friend.

"Ryan Braun: Glad to hear. Was she any fun coming out of it?" Shaking my head, I can't help but chuckle over the question, especially given the follow-up, "Having seen her wasted, I can only imagine high."

"Honestly, not really. More groggy than anything. Kind of out of it for a little while, but she was conscious of everything going on and responsive to it. Nothing even remotely exciting." I reply, knowing that he's going to be disappointed with my answer. JJ's not someone who struggles with holding her own, like he said when she's wasted she gets a little more lively, but it takes her a decent amount of time to get to that point. When she came to afterwords it wasn't even remotely surprising that she was fine.

"Ryan Braun: Lame. Glad everything's good though." Scoffing, I roll my eyes a little more or less just ignoring the text knowing he's not going to care. Glancing at the time, I figure I should go check on my wife. She's been out for a couple of hours now and I know she'll be more than annoyed tomorrow if she's wide awake at three am. I can't say that I'd enjoy it either. At least if I get her up now and she stays up for a couple of hours there's a fighting chance she'll sleep in a little tomorrow. She might regardless, who knows whatever Vicodin or Oxy or whatever they've got her on will do for her sleep.

Making my way up to our room, I slip my phone into the pocket of my sweats, before knocking gently on our door before letting myself in. JJ's already up just scrolling on her phone still looking just as tired as she had before. "Hey, I thought you were still asleep."

Looking up she notices me for seemingly the first time, "I woke up like ten minutes ago." Setting her phone down, she sits up in bed using her good arm to help. "What's up?"

"Nothing," I reply, sitting on the bed by her feet still covered in our duvet. "I was just coming to check on you. Actually, I was coming up to wake you up so we're not both up at three a.m."

JJ scoffs, "You wouldn't have had to be up." Rolling my eyes, I just smile knowing both of us know if one is up, we're usually both up. "But yeah, I did set an alarm for like twenty minutes from now just in case. Not only did I want to sleep through the night, but the Bachelor is on tonight."

"Good lord," I all but groan, laughing at her priorities. "I suppose I've gotta watch it with you?"

"Duh, we're married now, you're stuck with all of my garbage reality TV." Blowing a little air out of my nose as I laugh, I just shake my head. "We can even fantasy league this shit. Like we could get really into it this year since I'm stuck at home."

"Fantasy league this shit," I repeat, chuckling to myself with a little bit of an eye roll before I look back at her. "How are you feeling?"

"Better than I kinda thought I would," She confirms, "Yeah it hurts, but not to a point it's bugging me at this point in time. Tomorrow is probably a better gauge of where I'm at cause I'm sure any of the narcotics I was given are still pretty decently in my system."

"Right," I agree. "You're definitely less groggy than before."

"Like I said, nothing is really bugging me, right now. I can't say that I'm not tired, but I'm not exhausted or anything."

"Okay," I reply, a small smile on my face as I look at my beautiful wife, her hair a mess and all. "I love you."

"I love you too," she replies, the same smile as almost every time we've exchanged those seven words planted on her face.


Glancing at Christian's phone a moment, I catch him watching the game as the slew of girls come across our TV screen, making their first introductions to the viewers, and Connor. It's hard to blame him for being more invested in his team, I can't say that I'd be any different right now if my team was playing. Especially if they actually had regularly televised games. 

Snuggling back into Christian, I take a drink from my water as my attention is back on the TV. This proves to be a poor choice as my gasp is caught up by the water catching in my throat as I start coughing it back up seeing an all too familiar face on the screen. No fucking way. 

"Hey," Christian says, his hand gently on my back as I struggle for air again, a mix of me choking on my water and now laughing at the brand new scheme that Shelby's got. "Are you good?" 

Coughing a couple more times I point up to the screen where she's getting her whole introduction. I'm sure Christian glances up as the next thing I hear is, "That's fucking hilarious. I'm glad she figured out a way to get what she was looking for." 

"Right?" I reply, now just laughing having gotten through my water incident. "I feel like this show is usually the first resort, not seemingly the last-ditch effort." Grabbing the remote, I rewind our TV to see what she's actually got to say. 

"Hey, I'm Shelby," She starts, her voice an active higher somehow than the shrill tone I remember. Her intro video has her in a big modeling setup with the lights and cameras and everything as she does the voice-over. "I'm twenty-seven years old and a model. As many long hours as my job has, it's given me so many incredible opportunities and the chance to meet tons of incredible people through the industry." 

It's impossible not to roll my eyes seeing her try and hype herself up right now as if she's done anything interesting outside of Instagram. "While I've found a lot of success in my career, I can't say the same when it comes to love." Audibly gagging at her line, Christian just laughs knowing how much I can't stand this bitch. "Hopefully Connor can change that for me seeing as we've got similar backgrounds when it's come to dating. I've got a lot to bring to a relationship, and I'm hoping to share that with Connor." 

"I'm wondering what she thinks she has to offer," Chrisitan comments, making me snort. "Having dated her, I know it's not much." It's impossible to stop myself from laughing. 

"Having been your rebound after dating her, I know it wasn't much," I retort, emphasizing the I. 

Christian scoffs, "Could you stop calling yourself a rebound?" As I laugh loudly at his comment, Christian continues, "Rebounds don't get upgraded to a wife. Shelby was the only rebound if we're really getting into things." 

"That's fair," I agree, "This really could be the most dramatic season yet." Christian just chuckles, seeming more interested in the show now than he had before. We continue watching as the girls make their limo entrances before it's Shelby's turn. 

It's pretty obvious that I'm a lot more interested in this than Christian, though I can't say that the show doesn't have his attention. Unlike Christian, I'm a little more prone to hold onto grudges and pettiness. Something in me just can't stand her, even though I've gotten everything I wanted, she's just always got this ulterior motive for everything she's doing. There's no chance in hell she makes it through the show without at least hinting at her relationship with Christian. Honestly, she probably used that to get on the show.

"Please, please, please let me be petty," I say looking back at Christian, craning my neck to do so with how we're sitting. Christian laughs, his eyes making their way around in the process. 

"JJ, we both know that I wouldn't have been able to stop you," He teases squeezing me gently as he continues to chuckle. 

"Well when you put it like that," I joke, grabbing my phone and opening up Twitter. 

"@JailynJames: Cleat chaser turned full on Clout Chaser. . . This really could be the most dramatic season yet. #TheBachelor" Hitting send, Christian's chuckling quietly as he was reading over my shoulder. 

"You're going to be the drama," He quips, making me laugh as I close my phone again and gently toss it on our coffee table. 

Turning to face him more comfortably, I reply, "Well, I gotta stay interesting somehow, now that I can't represent an entire sport this season." 

Christian smiles, "Knowing you, that wouldn't have been too hard to do, regardless of the drama."

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