And For The Record.

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(somewhere towards the middle here I was listening to Cinderella by Mac so if you wanna vibe with me you can put that on.)


Leaning back with my hands behind my hips I stretch out a little blinking slightly trying to wake up some more as I watch Christian pull down our carry-on bags. I pretty much slept through both of the last two flight both of which were almost eight hours. "I'm kinda surprised at how long you've managed to sleep on these last two flight," Christian comments with a little laugh as he set's my bag down before grabbing his.

"It's a gift," I respond before yawning a little making him chuckle as he pulls his bag down. "Did you sleep?" 

"Yeah, most of this flight I was out," He tells me slinging his bag on his shoulder and holding mine in his hand as he holds his free hand out for me. "I woke up as we were coming down." I just nod and take his hand still waking up. "You're gonna be hot." 

"You say that as if you don't already think I am," I respond teasing back knowing he was referencing my hoodie and sweatpants as we're somewhere off the coast of Africa right now in Seychelles in the Indian Ocean.  "I've got shorts and a sports bra on underneath, I'll be fine." 

"Alright," Christian says chuckling a little, "And for the record, I do think you're hot." 

A car ride and a short golf cart trip later we get to our villa perched upon a stretch of white sand shores aligned with the stunning blue of the Indian ocean. I don't know that I'll ever get tired of being able to experience stuff as beautiful as this. There are only eleven villas on the whole island which makes it perfect just to get away from everything. Ours is the most secluded from the rest while the other ten are relatively the same, our Villa North Island is on the farthest end of the East Beach. From what we'd read if you wanted you could go an entire trip without seeing another person apart from staff. I guess Prince William and Kate honeymooned here as well which is pretty random but, it definitely makes sense if it's as secluded as it's claiming to be.

"I've got your bags Mr. and Mrs.Yelich, you take your time getting inside. There's a phone by the door if you need anything throughout your stay. Welcome to Seychelles, I hope you enjoy your stay," The man who'd driven us to our villa says taking our bags as he does and after we thank him he takes them to the villa and leaves them right inside the door. Christian and I take the opportunity to head down to the shoreline and take it in. He leads the way climbing down the rocks leading up to it holding my hand to help me down carefully. 

I hold my hand above my eyes to shield the sun a little as I look out over the stunningly clear blue water. The marine life just below the surface captivating me as Christian stands behind me holding his arms around my waist leaning his chin on my shoulder as he looks out too. This is unbelievable. I'm in one of the most beautiful places I could imagine, standing in the sand with my husband. Wow, this makes it so easy to forget about everything else that's been going on in our lives. Turning my head a little I kiss Christians' cheek making him smile a little before he turns and kisses my lips. Good lord do I love this man.

A couple of minutes pass before Christian says quietly, "Why don't we check out the villa?" I nod again taking his hand as we head back up the rocks again back up the path to the entryway. 

We're almost at the door before Christian stops a little falling behind me before he pulls me up off the ground making me scream a little as I laugh at the unexpected gesture as he carries me bridal style now, "What isn't this like a thing I'm supposed to do?"

I just laugh shaking my head as I hold my arms around his neck, "I think it's typically more for when the married couple makes it into their house for the first time together. We kinda ruined that one by moving in with each other before we were dating though." 

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